I always hear from sheep "I buy gaming machines to play GAMES!! Not listen to music, ect, ect, BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!" Well, i ask, why are sheep against these features? Since when did gaming machines have to be limited to gaming? It's like an anti-cell phone maniac saying "I only want my cell phone to MAKE CALLS!! Not text, access internet, ect, ect blaaaah!"
If you don't want these features on your systems, fine, don't buy the system. Just STOP complaining about these features. There is no rule in the Big Book of Gaming saying that a game machine can't play music or send instant messages.
I cant speak for sheep but i can speak for myself as a gamer.
Im against those features because i already have products, mainly a computer, which does all those things better and i dont have to pay to access them (i already bought my computer a long time ago) so why would i pay for a GAMING machine that has these features which as a result increases the price for ME the gamer? I wouldnt and i dont.
Its a legitimate form of argumentation to use these features against the total worth of a gaming system because they dont have anything to with gaming, they dont provide for a better gaming/gameplay experience, they simply add to the cost of the consumer and as a result of that increase cost the manufacturers of these machines have to strike a compromise in terms of hardware and other features so as to accomadate these features. For example think of the ps3; the graphics at this point are equivilant if a bit less than the 360.....yet it costs a hell lot more. Why? Because of useless media features that dont produce a better gaming machine; BLU RAY. It adds to the cost of the system as well as decreasing the overall capabilities of the system because of a cost-benefit analysis which led sony to believe that putting in blu-ray, in order to reap the pure profits of forcing studios to produce movies on that format and consumers who now have to re-buy their collection and pay more because of the expense of the format, is going to get them more benefits, given the cost, than if they were to put in superior hardware directly related to GAMING at a lower price point.
These features add to the cost and they have NOTHING TO DO WITH PROVIDING A BETTER GAMING EXPERIENCE FOR THE CUSTOMER! In most cases they are merely gateways to buying more products like sony record corp songs so you can play on your psp, watch movie trailers for sony created movies of which they want you to pay 10 bucks to go see or buy new blu-ray movies at a higher price than normal dvds for the exact same movie with a higher resolution.....hell the PS3 itself is a gateway product to get you to buy a Sony HDTV!!!
Its all designed to get you to buy more useless CRAP!
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