If it was only that simple. People are being hired to post false reviews to help fund there product! They have gone far beyond "Simple" with buying review sites, and people. This is not as easy as it seems. They are here in full force to convince you that this product will meet your expectations. Just look at the positive reviews! They all have just joined! Google how they paid Chinese people to post positive comments. EA should fear me, because I'm going FAR out of my way to point each and everyone of them out!
If you purchase EA games please consider this equivalent to blood diamond transactions. Its ok, only ppl I don't know died to produce this. People need to start considering the effect they are causing by purchasing products from the devil him self. If you support evil, what does that make you??? Please enlighten me by telling me what makes you so thrilled with your purchase!
I dont know how else to say this, or if it even matters! I hate ppl that can support a company that has treated there customers like shit but get away with it. This really pisses me off that ppl still consider EA at any level. Its okay now lets just purchase it, the servers are working now! **** YOU!!! ****...YOU!! Stop buyin EA products you stupid retarded FUCKS!
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