It's fun to look at the best game of each year (albeit completely subjective)..but I think a list of the best games of all time would be more telling. Plenty of amazing games that aren't on this list just because they weren't picked for their respective years on this site..i.e. Half life 2, Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect 2, Mortal Kombat, Civilization, etc...i could go on.
wrong guy to have review this. Sorry Scott but most true Dead Rising fans preferred the timer and having to not just rescue survivors but also escort them.
Oh Gone Home..back when Gamespot still had the likes of Carolyn Petite, Tom McShea, and Kevin VanOrd. They got plenty of flack for their reviews. Though I think VanOrd received plenty of undeserved criticism..I think he gave fair reviews.
@mdinger: This is why I don't rely on game scores anymore. I do like to read and watch reviews to get a grasp of how a game is at launch, but typically I will base my decision on my own preferences. Game reviews should be seen as guidelines, not rules. Don't go buy a game just because it got a high score.
MaddenBowler10's comments