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MadeInFinland Blog

Wake me up When September Ends

Yay... first day of school. :(

Why does the first day of school have to have a Reading Assessment? I was looking at it like: "WTF!????"

"What helps you understand this vocabulary?" ----- THe fact I already know it

"Name a few key points about this topic." ------- Poor people reproduce more, rich people are happy

"How does the last question help u understand the topic?"---------It doesn't

And finally, "Please right a well-written paragraph of what it's going to be like in the future."

-----Well, in the future, the earth is going to be impacted by Global Warming, so that the world will freeze in 2106, and two opposite factions, known as PAC and EU will wage a massive war in the year 2142, and the earth will be a duplicate of the game Battlefield 2142.

Blog Pics

For a while now I've been wondering what to change my blog pic to, and I finally got an idea. Every time I get a new game, I will make a new picture about the game Ive bought. So there! Overlord!^^^^


Sup peeps! I"m back from Ontario and I can hear the whole internet moan in mercy of my terror! GRAAGH! Thank god I only have 21 messages....

6 Weeks in Ontario

I will be gone this summer for Six Weeks in Ontario. During my visit, I will have absolutely no access to the internet. I'll be doing this with air cadets, so when I get back, my comp will be getting a MASSIVE (compared to what it has now) upgrade to 2gig RAM. This should hold my computer together if I get Assassin's Creed, and I'll try to get LOTRO since Bree won't be nearly as... well, it's hell right now.

So, I bid thou all Farewell! I shall see thee on August 18th, when thy Finnish Brother shall return!



My New Banner!

Woot, I just finished it (yes, made it myself). I think I could've made the Mario and Link a little bigger... and make Stewie not stand out so much... I'll fix that later once I get a union Banner done.

Let's just say that Mario and Link are sweet. So is Family Guy, and I just love that pic to the right. I opacitied a Finnish flag for the background, along with the preview to a union logo I plan to perfect (the 'SS' symbol).

To Milk A Cow

I hate it when my brain starts working...

for instance:

Who was the first person to milk a cow? Hmm... what's this, I wonder what will happen if I start pulling it!!!???


WTF do Superheroes always wear spandex? More aerodynamic? But Superman can defy the laws of physics! Surely he can resist drag!!!! If it's too make him look hot, spandex really doesn't make Mr Incredible any hotter.

Tag Flirt

Check this out, I was just rewarded the 'Tagger Flirt' award for tagging my union with Spaghetti =D


Game Development Union

This Union is friggin' sweet (and I'm an officer in it, lol). It's brand new, and already showing hopes of advancement. We have already started the beginning phases into creating our first PC game. But, we need more people. Join Us. GRAAGH!

And please click the main pic of my sig when you get the chance.