Maeros4's forum posts
i appreciate your time reading this. I was very stupid :P but i accepted a link what i got to download through msnmessengner without thinking really when all of a sudden my virus scanner (norton antivirus scanner newest build) kicked in and said he found a virus and deleted him. The virus/spyware was a w32.spybot.worm. Now im wondering if someone can access my files or does it really means when my virus scanner detected and deleted the virus/spyware that it really cant be worked with by the hacker/bot or whatever/whoever it is.
well i hope i maked myself clear and thanks in advance for answering my question and helping me out.
3 new games, that is a lot for one company but yes its a big company with that collabaretion between namco-bandai and sony.
But great looking titles, sound very ps3-ish :P
I find 25 to be the minimum for me. For an RTS, I think I could live with 20 or so. Considering that TVs run at like 15 (right?) I really dont think your FPS is that bad.mrbojangles25okay thanks
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