It's my 22nd Birthday today so yay me. Or boo me, one of the two. Going to sit with my father on the sofa and watch England play Egypt tonight, should be a good game between our scandal battered side and the African champions. On Saturday, will have a nice meal with the family and open my presents, with some wine.
Been awhile since I did some book reviews so thought I would do some more
Finished the sequel for the excellent Cry of the Newborn: this one was called Shout for the Dead. Set ten years after the first, it was impressive how Barclay found a very small (but once mentioned, easily recalled) part of the first book and inserted a line or two about it. That attention to detail helped link up the two books well, his strengths are still there, his vivid descriptions, his entertaining characters returning, the excellent conversations. Yes it also has the brilliantly depressing moments, the deaths and the need to sometimes go to cry about it.
The first book was one of the best fantasy books I have read. This 600+ book is still good but is shorter and not near the brilliance of the first one. If the Newborn was a 10, this one is a 7.5, well worth a read in it's own right though. The new characters had some good additions to the cast but too many of them lacked the time or the personality to make as much impact as the old ones, who also reappeared to stronger effect. The author seems to have dropped one storyline completely about a quarter of the way through and left two of the major characters hanging without ever solving what happens. He added in swearing whereas the first book had nearly none but the big issue is that while, at it's best, the book matches the first in tragic moments, the sequel seems to lack the emotional intensity of the first. The ending wraps things up and suits the purpose but is far from great, wish it had more oomph and just seems to wind down in last few pages.
The Warlords: Hindenburg and Ludendorff by John Lee. Partly about the two famous German generals of WWI, the calm commander and the workaholic strategist but more about how the system allowed two generals to control the country. As a bio for each general, it gives a good overview of their life before the war and a decent one after it but it's strength is the two of them during the war. Probably difficult to reflect the assets Hindenburg gives when in a short book based on a theory rather then solely around the general but Lee manages it fairly well. It is a decent biography in itself, shows their strengths and weaknesses as generals though doesn't go into their personal lives.
The theory is the strong part of it and Lee argues his case well. The first chapter shows how the Prussian army turned itself around from Napoleon's day into arguably the greatest infantry in the world by WW1 and how the General Staff evolved. He shows evidence of incidents in the past were the General Staff felt political considerations should go below military, how such behavior shaped their plans for World War 1 and how it affected the mindset of the generals. Such a mindset hurt Germany badly, getting them into too many wars and failing to make peace. It saw able men like Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg under attack by Generals who truly believed what they were doing was correct. An interesting book and well worth a read
Antony & Cleopatra by Patricia Southern. The writer specialises in Rome and had done a separate biography for those two before, also done works on Ceaser and Augustus. Her idea was to do a joint biography of Antony and Cleopatra rather then just concentrate on one as she had before came about when she realized she couldn't find a jiont biography. Combining two people's lives into one work risks overlap but Southern avoids it for all but the opening two chapters.
It's a nice idea and she does shine a lot on the two's abilities, she is informative about the political situations, about the administration and usually about campaigns. With information not always clear and what Roman sources there are being rather biased, she has to dismiss certain things and come up with convincing theory's as to why, in particular, Antony did something. It is informative rather then compelling, she seems to feel rather frustrated about not always being able to get at their personalities and the ending is a little disappointing, like she was running out of pages or time. She comes across to me as, in a bid to offer a more balanced account then Roman history, as having gone too far the other way. The facts she doesn't change and most of the book does seem fair but it shows in things like giving the couple the best of motives, overly willing to praise the positives and perhaps a little eager to dismiss the nasty aspects. Still, if you want the facts behind the legendary romance, this is well worth a read.
Catherine de Medici by Leonie Frieda. Known as the Black Queen and confused with various other Italian ladies, she was the wife of Henri II,mother of three kings and two queens. She is most famous for the St Bartholomew's Day Massacre and accusations of murder of various rivals. It is not a happy tale, her husband was in love with someone else and when he died in a joust, she would rule as a Regent for three sons during a time of religious conflict and political chaos, in the end only two of her ten children outlived her.
This was Frieda's first work and it is an impressive start, it is well written and she argues her side well. Starting off with the fateful joust was a nice touch before doing the rest of the book more conventionally, from birth to death. She handles the Massacre with aplomb, conveying the chaos and the horror, putting the events in the correct context, dismissing some chargers but correctly pointing out where Medici deserves blame. While that's the big moment, it sums up the book quite well, well written, fair minded and able to convey the emotional moments though her subject becomes less likable as she gets older.
Agincourt: The King. The Campaign. The Battle by Juliet Barker. The author made her name with literary biographies but had written on chivalry before and now seems to be concentrating on medieval stuff. The book is centered on the famous (if your English) battle where Henry V's small and exhausted army massacred the cream of the French nobility and their larger force. It starts off by showing Henry's military experience, the less then ideal circumstances he inherited from Henry IV and his work, administrative, military and politically. She shows the French civil war and their efforts on dealing with Henry, which is usually overlooked in English history books/programs. She then shows the campaign on both sides and at the end, shows how it affected the people involved.
The book's fairly decent and very informative, does well to concentrate on both sides point of view. One chapter early on is perhaps overly filled with administrative detail for some (including me) but generally, concentrates on the people, the battles and the politic. She fleshes out the characters well enough, explains things well and seems to have a good understanding of the time. She argues one of her main points, that chivalry was still a real thing that did drive knights and still had it's PR use, well enough to make it credible. At it's best when showing the horror of the battle and the initial aftermath in a 3/5 type book. The real problem with the book is that the author seems to think Henry V descended into this world from above, with angels singing and never did anything wrong or foolish in his life. She may have a point in some of her defenses but by the time she gets to the big allegations, and on matters I agree with her, she seems to gave failed to admit a single crime, bad motive or flaw that he did or had. Doesn't change by the end of the book either, had to fight hard not to hate Henry V simply for how perfect she tries to make him
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