Magusi's forum posts
You are already going to Hell ...
Thought you knew.
Btw the star has to be upside down to be satanic, so it forms the goat.
Cloud, Tifa, and the XXX character. Though I mixed him out from time to time.
And btw Tifa rules ...
With Passover having just come and gone, it is appropriate to note the following from the Old Testament, Proverbs 22:6:
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
But maybe the explanation for your son's corporate sociopathy is to be found in Old Testament Proverb 29:15:
"The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
So Jack, let me get this straight ... you talk of raising a child right and wrong, using the bible to prove your point. Yet you don't blame the parents but GTA when a kid (other then the chairman of GTA) does something wrong.
Your a bad lawyer and far to biter. Your logic is about as solid as water.
I didn't realize GTA was made for young teens (as you say) and only bought by them as well. Go sleep with your wife (if she is still willing) and let it go.
You'll be hyped when it's released, able to be purchased, and brought home to play. I guarantee it.
No you shouldn't get it. You will understand when the time comes.
The problem with this whole rating system and the gta game, is that underage teens get there hands on stuff they shouldn't. It is why games come under fire and will never be able to progress until there is some kind of control and understanding. People who don't play games are scared of "YOU" owning it. There for we all pay for it as gamers. Also I wouldn't buy it for you if you were my kid ether. (God of War maybe)
Just be patient, take this time to enjoy your teen years. Get into trouble (minor) with friends. Pick up a girlfriend while your at it.
Don't buy a ps3 because it's more reliable, the new 360 models have greatly improved the reliability, I was just like you back in late January and I bought a ps3, 3 months later I'm unsatisfied with the ps3 games and I buy a 360, just go with whatever system has better games in your opinion.jeffdoomsday
Nothing wrong with your opinion, but I'm not sure you own one... I call it a hunch.
Anyway, the system is great, for many reasons. It has a lot of games now, even if a lot are third party. (360 owners like to think there only on xbox). It has a lot of exclusives as well on they way. Your money will be well spent.
Online play works like a charm, even better then my PC for some reason. I have not had any issues, though that's not to say people haven't. But most likely it is there connection.
If you have a gaming PC, then you are set for the other exclusives. If not then maybe buying a 360 is a good idea. I'd wait until they work though. Gaming and being worried it is on it's last legs is never fun.
New IP's are far better then another Crash or Spyro.
I owned a PS1 too, but I'm not 16 anymore. I was lucky to give R&C a chance on PS3 (good I might add). But nether Crash or Spyro ever advanced. I don't think that even if they did, people would care, except for a small handful.
On the other hand, Uncharted was great. RFoM I hear from most was great.
Sometimes change is just better...
You are testers people. Stop feeding off your mama's breast and grow up. This is so when it releases, there is no problem.
If anyone "Failed" it's MGS4's testers/fans.
[QUOTE="snwboardn08"][QUOTE="belwyrm"]Well it went from
Unable to connect to server 090b:fffffff01
unable to connect to server 090b:0000000001
LMAO damnit
well at least we know its doing something lol
I wouldn't count on that...I've only gotten that 2nd error. Who knows though.
I had it since 10:30. So yeah, nothing really new.
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