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100 best games list Not mine...but divine. I agree with most of this...but I would proabably have put a fighter or two and maybe one more rpg on the list :) but you know thats just me.

Shin Megami Tensei TIME LINE

Last bible 1-2, Devil Summoner the series, SMT IF Devil Survivor P1 P2 P3 P4 Devil summoner the future blade runner one...SMT main 1 2 3 :)

Argue with me PLEASE..about SMT time line I mean.

Whats old school?

Hey guys. I want to know what is old school to you? Anything just name it and say why. For my old school is rpg's with classic menus. No matter how knew and cool the game is if the menu system is classic if makes it feel old school to me.

The most top ten most overrated and underrated games!

I can go on and on listing game after game of the my favorite and the ones I hate but I thought I would do the most over rated and underrated from inspiration from IcedefenceGod.

UNDERRATED! (some of these will be series.)

10.King of Fighters.

(Street fighter eat your heart may have came first but Fatal fury/King of fighters owns you. No really the pop style art and over the top move its clear that the only reason why Kof doesn't do as well as street fighter is budgeting and advertising...because its clearly as good if not better!)


9. Suikoden

(By far many of the Suikoden titles are better than any final fantasy...not that I dont love final fantasy but the originallity of Suikoden just stands out. And its tough with a great story and mini games. And who can beat 108 characters ?)

8. Shin megami Tensei.

(Yeah its tough...and its demoniclly filled with fun......and creepyness...but its original and possible my favorite rpg series....I mean chooseing good or evil hasn't ever been this fun )

7.Breath of Fire (series)

(The last one sucked I admit...but the dark stories of the others plus the huge wolrd and WERE DRAGONS! says it all)

6. Zone of the Enders

(The best mecha fighting rpg like game ever......sometimes better than ....dare I say it.....the xeno series)

5. Berserk

(Yeah you dont know it...........I read the manga and watch the anime.....yes its grousome......what you dont own a dream cast....shame on you!)

4. Jet grind Radio

(This was the best had something for everyone....and I want it back......)


2. Septerra Core and Shogo

(They were paked together....made by monolith..........Septerra core is an orginial rpg with the feel of ff7 meets Diablo......Shogo is a first person shooter mech game......where you can stomp people......and shoot want choose your own path and good versus evil with a .......strange humor that would make Sam and Max laugh their pants off.....get these)

1, Seiken Densetsu (Secret of mana games.)



10. All major label sports games...

(no creativity....I mean I dont like sports games...but I will admit a good one when I see it but most of em.....meh)

9. Halo.

(Yes, the first one is good.......but the second isn't really that much better. And the art style on the troops and the aliens are lack luster.....besides the quick multiplayer ablility......half life shows this game whose boss any day.

8. Tomb Raider.

(The first three were good.......even minus the boobs....but the game is dead....let it die peacfully.)

7. World of Wacraft.

(NO! I dont like this game.....the world is well done I wil give it that....but the character designs are just anime wanna be and poorly done. The opening Cgi is about as good as it gets. And the game play isn't even up to everquest standards. Its just an MMO doesn't even have a good community...just one made up of 12 year olds and people who wont accept that there is better out there. Blizzard really needs to be creative and make a new Warcraft or starcraft game.....and what happened to the best selling Diablo?)

6. Jax and daxter (the whole series)

(They are great games....but how much like do they all have to be...yeah you change the story and art stlye...but still its the same game)

5.Sonic (all the new ones)

(Sadly after the adventure series....sonic died....but still lives and makes money....sega's zombie Beech)

4. Pokemon'

(I know your saying....but wait pokemon isn't popular its becasue your have grown up......sadly it still thrives ...hard)

3. Guitar Hero

(It was a toss up between DDR and Guitar hero. But I chose the most overrated. Yeah its good....and fun.....but there is nothing there.......there isn't any real game play or mechanics.....its ddr with a stick and buttons. I like it dont get me wrong....but it doesnt have enough real meat to it. I would rather play Taiko drum least it had something to it.....jk.)


2. God of war.

(yeah its a good game with great graphics and an okay story.....but it isn't god of everything. The story is drab...the main character looks a bit unimpressive. And the games are both short and extremly the point it bores me. They are good for a short run and that is all.)

1. Grand theft auto.

(Okay I personally have a vendetta against this game....because I think its brainless....but I wont go there. The graphics are mediocre at best on all of them....except the new next gen one of course. And the stories are a bit bland....and moralless. I will admit the play mechanics and the world are nice.....but really this whole genre is over rated and beaten to death. After the first one when you start to use racial stereotpyes to feed your world....then you know your lame.)

Take a while ...please!

So square might not make anything big this year. But just because they aren't doing any square type games doesnt mean they wont make Enix type game ya know? And like I said Namco is still going strong as is Atlus so why not give square a while all their good games took a long time to release personally I would like Good Games released in a long time than mediocer games in s short time. You all know what I mean? look at all the good ffs and rpgs...all took a long time to realease I mean people complain about delays in games and movies and I agree it does make me more excited and it does get annoying sometimes but look at Advent children I am glad they too that long to make it good and longer.

Square owns you so deal

Your absolutely right. Finally someone who isn't getting pissed for not reason. I mean come on companies have to make money. I don't care if they re release stuff over and over. I have the titles I am waiting for so that is all Icare. Also they have been great in the past so I know they will be in the future. I dont know what everyone is crying about I mean this isn't EA here Square is still strong. I liked grandia and ff12 for one. And ff3 was a great remake. Kingdom hearts 2 was good. And for Gods sake they released FF7AC which was godly. Oh and ff7DC was only for fans of ff7 anyhow ...and the game wasn't awful but not that great...but I bought it for the story anyhow the extra missions. And crisis core will rock your world. Plus square is releasing its new mana games. So those are gonna rock. So I say if someone is gonna complain about square they need to look at the past games (some titles were hit or miss then with remakes also) and hope for the future. Oh and if you know a company who is doing it better than tell me. .............well I like atlus ......and namco isn't doing that bad. lmao.

ff12 yay

Tommorrow night ff12 launch party at gamestop for me lol rock on! I'm going to be Squall and my girlfriend is gonna be Sora.


My family is gonna get me a present tommorrow....anybody know of any easy to get but good games for the ps2 DS or game cube...I also like comp games...I'm a huge rpg and japanese gamer so if you can tell me some suggestions.

FF12 10 of 10

Play magazine has giving ff 12 a 10 out of 10 and even said it was the best rpg ever and made the other ff's look childish.......your thoughts?

Square or Enix

I know that they are together now but I love to speculate on which games come from which I have started this poll for all of you fans to see which part of the company you would purfer. Personally I cant decide myself....right now anyways. The rules to this battle are that you have to give a reason why you like that one over the other and their best work or series in your opinion. Thanks for participating.
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