Malphal's forum posts
I can no longer play Quake Live. It requires that I install a "plug-in" but the installation wile saying it is successful really fails because I cannot play it. Like being in a continuous revolving door with no exit or solution. I would assume there are others having the same problem. Anyone heard anything about this and what to do about it? Thanks.
For those of you who wondered how to let go of the mounted machine guns in Dead Island I can tell you with complete confidence that it is the F button. I experimented and finally found it. I felt it necessary to provide this bit of info because when I asked many people no one knew. So now you do.
Dead Island/Ryder White. In the sewer. Unbelieveable number of zombies from all directions coupled with my slower reaction time means almost impossible progress in the sewers. I remember that in the streets I could jump up on a truck and fight them off so much more easily. I had time for a strategy. Not so in the Ryder White sewer. No place to jump up on and so many zombies from all sides that there is no time for strategy.Your survival is hopeless. Now that is what sells games. Hopelessness.
Still I try and push on but not without getting so frustrated that I quit for days until I can once again attempt what seems at this time to be almost impossible. This is in EASY mode. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
So.......noone seems to know for sure how to let go of the mounted machine gun. Hmmmmm. Nice. I was in Co-op and this other guy didn't know eitherand so the only solution was to kill me with a grenade. Swell.I have been avoiding them so as not to get trapped with no way out. A sad glitch. Thanks anyway.
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