For me personally (sadly, 600+ hours played since game was released) its Battlefield 2.
NO way have i ever come across a game soo perfectly made.
Gameplay is personal discretion of course, but the combination of infantry, tanks, boats, helicopters and jets is awesome. the squads and voip make it tense and yet oftenhilarious. The maps are amazingly well designed,so that camping is more or less out the window (s.t.a.l.k.e.r multi-player take note)soo much so that strike at karkand and sharqui peninsula have become the favourite haunt of 100s of 1000s of people. Oh and there soo large at the 64 player size it takes 15 minutes to walk end to end.
The graphics were beautiful for there time, looking dusty and dryin the MEC maps and damp and humid in the Chinese ones. The way people walk and run has never been so realistically portrayed; from a distance it looks like real people.Seeing that minor movements made characters eyes move and bigger ones made their heads turn was just something else too. It ranperfectly on the machine i installed iton on release (p4 vanila nvidia 6600)with aa. And seeing a parade of apcs and tanks and jeeps racing to flags was all very 'apocalypse now'. Lovely.
The guns are perfect, feeling heavy and powerful, shooting people was never this fun! AK-101 kills always felt reaaal good. The unlocks made it interesting for a player just starting out, and satisfying to move away from as you got better.
The sound effects were good with twin speakers, lovely with headphones and immersive beyond belief with 5.1. Plus i fell in love with the voice-acting, the irrate MEC commander giving the team a telling off, or the USMC guy running after a jeep "hey i need a ride". Classic.
Yes it was pretty buggy, and yes it remains soo, but the occasional crash for such an awesome immersive multi player was no biggie. Even today there are literally hundreds of servers full to the brim, and amzingly, even after all this time, a whole heap of noobs.They make it both frustrating, but also fun, random, hilarious, and a joy torun through and kill them.
Over time Ive seen it change, from the unmissable early days when it was just a fewmonths old and people werecreating accounts and joining games for the first time in their droves.This was when it was total carnage everywhere, people running around like headless chickens as first time heli pilots plowed intothe ground just after taking off. Utter chaos and totally thrilling. I'll never forget one of my very first 64 player games, seeing peopleline up by ladders, waiting their turn one by one to get on the roofs. I was in an apc and on the other team at the time, and bagged a few juicy kills, but not nearly as many as i should have got, because i was a noob too and shot wildely as they scattered. Lovely stuff, only got bored a few months ago, then the disc got scratched and is now unuseable. Shame!
Best multiplayer shooter ever, counterstrike is kids stuff, stalker online is full of camping eastern europeans, Far-cry online was just dull if you could get a game.
If you havent played it yet, go buy bf2, avoid 2142 its dull.Thats all folks!
BF2 9.7/10 (awful single player, but a good introduction to things = -0.1, occasional silly crashes = -0.1, damn annoying medics everywhere = -0.1)
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