Manny1105 Blog
Its E3 Week!
by Manny1105 on Comments
Hola friends!
well, this is going to be a short blog but still, I gotta say this as a gamer.
this is E3 week. im watching the microsoft, nintendo and sony confrences. lol, its startting tommorow. and im going to be on GS all day. well, atleast untill now and about 9 PM eastern.
well, thats all. see ya!
Family News +Daily Goals + The Funniest Videos On Youtube Ever ( Seriously )
by Manny1105 on Comments
Hey guys, I would like to first start with some news from my family.
ok, well you know my little sister ( I mean future sister ) yeah well we now have a name for my future sister! and the name is...
yep, you know whats wierd... my family first name`s end with a " Y "
Manny jr. ( Thats me )
and well, she doesnt count, but she is in my family so ill put her in. :P
and in just a few months...bailey.
wow, and I dont want to sound all emotional, but my oldest sister is moving out in just a few months, about 7 I think. its funny, I used to always wanted her to leave the house, but now...I dont want her to leave. I mean, I havent been with her sence my younger days when I lived with my uncle, aunt, and cousin. so I realized that I should spend more time with my family. my god brother lived with us because he didnt have a place to stay when his mom died. so my parents were going to take care of him, I was about 1 year old. and now he is 22 years old. and I havnt seen him for 2 years. not only that, I have an older brother who passed away due to his death in war... and it was so unexpected...
but what scares me is that, my mom is going to go through therapy after the baby comes out, she needed it when I was born, WHICH I FIND VERY OFFENSIVE! :evil: JK :P
so that means I have to take care of my family... my mom is thinking on being a house mom...IF MY DAD GOES TO WAR! which I really dont want. because I dont want the same fate to happen to my brother. ( Sigh ) oh well, I still have my younger sister to take care of. :)
ok, here are my daily goals
1. beat troop01 4 times online brawl ( complete! )
2. beat sora592 once on brawl online ( not complete )
3. get my V points on MKWII to 5600 ( Comeplete! )
4. take some better care of my mom ( I hope so )
5. try to earn some money ( 5$ at least ) ( not complete )
6. make it to 950 post`s ( Complete! )
woot! 1/2
guess its ok.
ok, now for my new set.
1.try to cook a morning healthy breakfast for my mom
2.try to calm my dad down about bills
3.let my sister`s play over 4 hours
4. ride my bike to my brothers house and help him around his house
5. stop making fun of micheal jackson :P lol
6 get over 980 post`s
thats all for today on the daily goals
Now for my gaming report! :o
alright. im not getting into my life as a king today...its just boring again... :P
super smash bros brawl, same thing, online stuff, but I really need to finish the sse...for about the 7th time...
MKWII, today was interesting. :D
well me and my sister, and troop01 with his brother were playing online. and boy they kicked my butt! really badly! whats your secret man! is it my mii or somethin? c,mon help a new guy out! :P
lol, ok
now to end the blog, SOME FUNNY YOUTUBE VIDEOS!
This song is funny because its about this guy who I guess seems to be obssesed with Thongs , he is acting like thongs are the answers to his prayers! lol. this song has the N - word, so I picked up the censored verision.
anouther funny song I found that is old, but I just found it, and I know its about a guy who was caught cheating, but to me honestly... this is the ultimate offence to women. which ( no offense ) I found to be extremly funny! and the rich guys advice is tell his girlfriend " It Wasn't Me "
pure P.I.M.P.N.E.S.S , lol
lol, I was looking for some random things, and I came with This
well, thats all for today
Later Gamerz! :P
Up late + Daily Goals + Other News
by Manny1105 on Comments
Hey! well, im up late, and I cant go to sleep, even if I try. what is wierd is that when I was online last night,the only one who was online was troop01. wow . pretty wierd for me, knowing that its bassicly a party every night im on. :P
so yeah, thats all for that.
well, now im starting some daily goals.
here they are!
1. beat troop01 4 times online brawl
2. beat sora592 once on brawl online
3. get my V points on MKWII to 5600
4. take some better care of my mom
5. try to earn some money ( 5$ at least )
6. make it to 950 post`s
well thats all.
Now for my gaming report! :o
im still doing the same thing pretty much.
on my life as a king im on day 117. im almost done beating the game!
and for super smash bros brawl, believe it or not, I FINALLY BEAT TROOP01! woot woot! yeah, ive noticed I got better. maybe its because I was fighting him so much and never won, I found his weaknesses. well, only on fox that is. did I tell you im now using wolf? lol, yeah
im still trying to get into MKWII, because my addiction to my life as a king has been taking affect.
allrighty, in other news...some one asked me if my moms baby is a girl or boy ( sigh )
its a girl...
yep, im the only boy, I do have a half brother, but I dont think that counts, his last name is melero and mine is different....
I guess its up to me to have as many boys as I can when im married, other wise my family name will die... seriously. I want like 4 boys, so then they can have 4 boys, then they have 4 boys, I just seriously want boys when I grow up...wait, that came out wrong...
and also, I realized a few lies from my childhood
you know how your parents tell you " the truth will set you free ", well, technocily not really. lets just say im in court for robbing a bank, and the judge asked " did you rob this bank? " if I told him yes, then I would be in jail, not free...
and also, you know how parents say " if you put your mind into it, you can do anything you want "
HAHAHAHAHA! thats some bull...
because, if I wanted to fly... I cant, because thats just phisics... well, unless im on a plane, but thats not techonicily flying, yet I am in the air...hmmm, ok IDK
and if I wanted to change my skin color, I CANT, because im born that way!...
then again...micheal jackson did exactly that...
but that doesnt count, because he is not of our species...:P jk
well thats all for my blog.
Later Gamerz! :P
Wow! I havnt bloged in a while!
by Manny1105 on Comments
Hey guys! sorry if im not commenting on your blogs. I have been busy lately, I need to take care of my mom who is pregenant, I found this out a long time ago....anyways.
im almost done with level 20!
theres not much for me to say
also, my gaming report.
so far I have got in to " My Life As A King " again. its suddenly now highly addictive. :o so far ive been playing it about 2 hours ago, and im now at day 57.
I have been playing a little bit of MKWII, im not planning on playing online for a while, it distracts me from trying to reach my main goal. to finish all 150CC cups and have a gold trophie on all of them, so far I have 6 gold cups and 1 silver cup.
and for last...
if you havnt seen me online, im sorry. but when I get on, none of my buds are on, and when they are on, they just kinda ignore me, so this leads me to cleaning out my list. also, im trying to finish co-op events, by myself that is.
well thats all, ill try to be more active, also, anouther reason why I havnt been on your blogs is because im VERY interested in the nintendo all stars union, and the apple union. that is all
Later Gamerz! :P
Mario_Brawer... Read This And I Think You Will Be Pleasently Suprised
by Manny1105 on Comments
HOLA! lol, yeah im just going to quit my union, who wants to be a leader! cause I dont, im not ready...
so im just staying a member of the " Nintendo All Stars "
soo, im giving the leadership to getinbelly3
well, thats all
Later Gamerz! :P
by Manny1105 on Comments
Well, I just looked up the date when super mario sluggers comes out, AND IT COMES OUT THE VERY FIRST DAY I GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
why does this happen to me!? it happend with SSBB too, when I preordered it, the release date was sunday!!!! c,mon! I didnt have time to even play 30 minutes.
oh well,
Later Gamerz! :P
What I Have Been Up To
by Manny1105 on Comments
Hey guys, I havnt been active in my union, and im even getting thought on giving the leadership to getinbelly3.
moving on, I am now playing Mario Kart Wii,Super Smash Bros Brawl, And Super Mario Galaxy.
Well, mario kart wii so far, really hard. ive won all gold trophies on 50CC and 100CC, and only three on 150CC,thats pretty much it,
On Super Smash Bros Brawl... not much, just playing online.
and Super Mario Galaxy, I think 103 stars.
Well, thats all for now
Later Gamerz! :P
Playing Brawl More, And That Means More Online Playing
by Manny1105 on Comments
Well, title says it all...
I have nothing else to say right now because im so worked up with the union, anyways...
Later Gamerz :P
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