A lot of you fail to realize that time and space are the same thing. There is no one without the other, they aren't even two sides of the same coin, they're the same damn side.
Time may be something unique to our universe, even if there are others out there. Don't think about it, no one can comprehend it, but...math.
To speculate anything about 'before the big bang' is to not fully grasp the value of that fact.
Distance through time is just as spatial as the distance between me and my monitor, it's just in a different direction other than up, down, left, right, back or forward.
The speed at which you move through time is affected by the speed in which you move through space. The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. You're diverting momentum from one direction (time) to another (distance).
I don't think this is quite right - the implication seems to be that 'there is nothing special about the time dimension', which is not really true because time carries the opposite sign to the spatial dimensions in the Minkowski tensor, which gives spacetime a hyperbolic structure in which time plays a privileged role
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