Oh man, let's see if they're going to embarrass themselves for another year. Who's it going to be this year? Some random no name singer? A guy talking about multimedia entertainment devices using crappy movies?
I guess I'm the only one who's getting tired of these "interactive movies". Games are focusing too much on narrative and sacrificing gameplay. Games can have both and still be good, but this 2013. Either one or the other.
At first I was disappointed but then I realized now they focus on the games instead of being flashy and waste 30 minutes talking about Wii Fit U like last year. Nintendo Directs have announced more games than any of their E3's have in years.
Why does a indie developer talk like he's some big hotshot? He bashed the PC, saying it's just a "spreadsheet machine" and then, months later, his game is on Steam.
Marcster1994's comments