@ClaudiusCaesar Becuase the games are cheap.If today's game prices remain the same when they go Digital only, it will be a total failure.
In these days, you never really own your games anymore. You own a license to play a game. Digital Only would make it worse.
Gamespot forgot to include the part where he says, "He likes Nintendo games becuase they are the most friction free games in a long time"Which is half true in my opinion.
Of course the game won't be 100 dollars. Retailers do this all the time. Remember when the Vita was going to be $999.99?
I'm planning to get a Wii U. So far, the only real "bad" things are the Miiverse(which can be turned off) and ports.Not looking forward to the nextbox and PS4 if those rumors did end up to be true.
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