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Edited By MarioJP_

This thread still going? I dunno but i been having fun lately with these newer pc titles. Each to his/her own platform of choice i guess.

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Edited By MarioJP_

that is a maybe ps3 is on a thin line. Killzone 2 is their only hope.

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Edited By MarioJP_

I am not twisting things up. PS3 is not easy to program. Killzone might save Sony from their woes though. We will have to see.

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Edited By MarioJP_

Wow you were not kidding about fear 2 demo. Big improvement over the previous one. Funny thing is i did not even bother to tweak any settings other than the resolutions i wanted to play as by the default was already set to maximum. I am definitely looking forward of buying this game. When is the release date?

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Edited By MarioJP_

Actually sony is losing a lot of money they just reported they have lost 1.2 B and the ps3 is not helping. And i have no problem with Ms products especially the 360 playing it over a friends house. When his 360 died on him they sent him a box and got it replaced and never had that problem again. And back to gaming as usual.

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Edited By MarioJP_

all i know is there might not be a ps4 because people are not going to fall for it anymore. its the same old strategy. Remember the launch day. How people went so crazy over the ps3 that sony purposely reduced the shipments so people can want it even more to the point people were breaking the law and even going as far as stealing someone else ps3. That was just crazy. Sony should of got their heads chopped off for that. with that said i say the 360 is the real winner here. Sure it might of had its red ring of death but nothing compared to waiting waiting and waiting ahh yes sony's motto "build it and it will come" lol.

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Edited By MarioJP_

Here is a interests read about the cell and how it really works Even the co creator of the cell has admitted that it is very hard to program for the ps3. But the end of the day it all comes to just a console really. In the ps3 world the cell is a hybrid processor its half cpu half gpu its not a one dedicated processor. This is what makes programming a nightmare for the ps3. The ps3 really is a one real powerpc core with 7 elemental instruction set. So for example a developer can use couple of them to assist the RSX 7800gtx gpu that is in the ps3. so that will leave u with 4 left to play with. Actually 3 since one is reserved for the system. This is a nightmare for developers because they are used to a cpu and a gpu concept. This is why they favor the 360 and pc when it comes to deadlines. I don't know what Sony really trying to prove. The cell processor is equivalent to intel's Larabee processor. There u you go a processor to compare to. intel Larabee vs the cell as both processors are in the same category. and Larabee is not out this is going to be integrated for future motherboards. So instead of intel's "extreme graphics integrated gpu's (more like extreme crappy graphics lol.) it will be replaced by a much better Larabee. Now since i don't know the details of what architecture larabee will be i can't say if it will be more better than the cell or close or the same. But one thing for sure unlike the cell larabee will be easy to program as it will retain the pc x86 x64 architecture. Why fix whats not broken right??? Speaking of architectures. One of you said that the reasons pc's sucks because its using the old architecture. Well this old architecture is very changeable to meet their needs in any shape or form without hitting a wall. Sure it maybe be old but its a darn good architecture that keeps the games coming with flying colors :). Just wait till 64 bit era really starts going. In fact even the 360 has the little bit of the pc's architecture built around it. no wonder developers love to program on this beast.

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Edited By MarioJP_

Is sony going the way sega went??

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Edited By MarioJP_

This is not good for Sony.,news-3346.html A lot of developers are not really happy working with the ps3. With this economy going sour time is very valuable. I would have to say this round the 360 wins because the games just comes out fast and ready to go. Get her done and out the door. PS3 well if the developer is in a good mood. I truly don't understand sony anymore. I used to love their consoles since the original Playstation. When ps2 was coming out i really had very high hopes how sony was saying the world's powerful console off the face of the planet. That the emotion engine chip will render life like graphics. Reality is with sony is wait wait wait wait wait and keep on waiting and wait some more. And they are doing it with the ps3. cmon sony get real with your userbase. This is what turned me off from Sony. Always have to make it difficult for game developers only to find out that half of its life span nothing gets squeezed out. and by the time that it does it be already too late. If i ever here a playstion 4 coming. Then sony is big time screwed because everything they said about the ps3 capabilities is sadly misleading just like the ps2. and another thing about the PS3 is one of my friend uses his ps3 to install linux. Thats another thing that sony trying to do. turning a console into a pc which in reality its a half ass pc with limited hardware access. Consoles should be entertaining not trying to morph into something that it is not. Thats what pc's are for. At least the 360 got it right despite of the red ring of death microsoft knows how to do business overall.

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Edited By MarioJP_

a lot of companies are axing a lot of employees Sony MS maybe even nintendo. 800-1200 bucks say u could get a really nice build though. I believe it could be done considering how 2gb of ddr2 ram cost and a cheap o quad core and along with a 3870 graphics cards. I just priced them and i honestly think one could get a kick ass gaming rig for that price. In fact i could put a list and sum it all total cost of building a nice rig without spending too much. Just not tonight though had a long day at work. Next time when i am not tired. lol. Now i will say that the list i am going to bring up might be a bit flawed because for those that have a pc can recycle most of the part and transplant to the new build. Such as pc case monitor,speakers,ram,hard drive,video card. For those that have parts to move over will definitely cut the cost even more.