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Mario_sonic_man Blog

i got a 3DS

holy moli

i was waiting till the end of summer to get on. but my totaly awesome grandma bought me one a few days ago

and oh boy. it is AWESOME for now all i got is nintendog + cats. but soon i will get more... and be a step further into the gaming world.

by the way. has anyone else got a 3DS? i sure would like to add you on it

failed school?

my school called today. and from what i heard. i failed 2 courses. i dont know if that means i failed the entire semester or not. but its a bit to late to change it since i was done school a while ago. i might have to do grade 11 again.

why did semester 2 go so wrong? we got along just fine in semester 1. and now everything is down hill. :sigh: we shall see what happens now.

started a fire emblem playthrough

"woah mariosonicman is uploading videos again? so triped out dude"

all i have to do know is wait 100 min for the first part to load.

marshmellos. im just saying.

is it possible to make youtube bring back the annotation editor link? i really want people to annotate my videos

not doing to good in school...

yea. things arnt going good at all. it feels like some teachers and principals are after me. and its funny because we used to be good friend in the first semester. now things are going down hill. i wont tell what exacly happened. but now im off school for the rest of the school days. (exept monday) now i dont know if i should go to a diffrent school and start fresh or stay in the same school with all my friends. such hard choices :(

hope you do well on your exams. (i wont be able to do them.)

see ya later.