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MarkedByAshes Blog

Independant Films and Wedding Bells

The weekend has come and gone and I have completed filming of my first independant film. It was a great experience and really exciting. I'm waiting for my first glimpse of the finished product...and it's not easy to be patient. There will be a red-carpet style event on Sunday where all of the films entered in the contest for NC State University will be shown on a full size movie screen for an audience of all the film-makers and actors (plus anyone else who wants to be there). I don't know if I want to see the film before the festival or not...I think it would be awesome to see on the big screen, but if it's embarrassing, I wouldn't want to be there. Well, I'll see it soon enough. And apparantly, everyone else can see it if we go far enough...supposedly the films submitted are to be posted on the website for the competition. I'll let everyone know when it's posted. In the meantime, for more information about the competition we're involved in...

We actually ended up filming a second short in the back of my minivan (not the dirty kind of short by the way...) while we had the equipment. It was done fairly quickly with very little script or rehersal. In fact, we saw the script 5 minutes before we shot it. I never got to read it at all. We glanced at the idea and improvised the entire thing with just a few retakes (which were started from the very beginning each time) and a few pick-up shots to fill in a few gaps. I don't exactly know what is going to be happening with that short (a starting point for another film? a stand-alone short for another festival?) but it seemed to turn out really cool and is another title to add to my resume'.

Speaking of resume's, I just got a call for an interview while typing this, and will be starting a new job on Monday making $3 more an hour than I am at my current job. It's not something I really WANT to do, but for the convienance and extra pay, I'm game. Besides, who really wants to work in the first place? It's essentially the same job, but a better environment and less hassles. AND NO INSURANCE AGENTS! That's the big part of my decision to make the change...I really don't like insurance agents. I hear they don't play video games at all...

And finally, some of you may know that 1 year ago today, my girlfriend and I lost our daughter, London Rose. (Not the little blonde girl in my pictures...that's my first child , Alex, from my ex-wife.) We both took off from work today to be together and help each other get through the day. To make the day a bit better, we decided that instead of waiting for her birthday next month, we would go to the courthouse and get married. Everything went great, and we managed to take a fairly sad day and turn it into something wonderful. And of course, after we got done we went straight to an arcade to play Indiana Jones pinball...a true geek wedding reception complete with wedding pictures taken in a $3 photo booth.

Hope everyone else is doing well...all the best to everyone.


It has begun...

Yesterday was my very first day of filming on my very first movie. I am now officially an actor! Well, it wasn't a movie per was a student film. But that still makes me an actor none the less. My first scene involved catching a bag dropped down a stairwell from 5 floors up. I didn't have to actually catch it from that height, but it will look like it once the editing is completed. In fact, the director almost got hit by the bag on it's way down, but he got the perfect shot. The film is going to be brilliant, as long as the dialogue goes well today and it's edited proper. We wrap things up this afternoon and then the director will work his magic. The film is being entered in a competition at North Carolina State University on Sunday, Sept. 21st where it will be shown with all of the other entries with a red-carpet treatment for the actors and directors. I also had an e-mail this morning asking if I would do a second film for the director while he's got the equipment today. Big happenings for my first time, once I get a copy of the films, I should be able to post them online. I hope you will all stop by to check them out. Until later, have a great weekend...


As per Lex's request...

I've been called out on being absent from Gamespot. I'm still around, and quite frankly I think I like the new look around here. But I'll get to that in a minute...

So, where have I been? Well, last weekend we had to take the kids back to Savannah, GA to meet their other parents. Neko and Spooksspouse, I'm sorry I didn't let you know I would be traveling through your area...none to worry, I'll catch up with you guys before the next trip.

One major thing that has happened is that I did get a call back from the acting audition a few weeks ago. I was informed that I will be in at least 2 of the group's short films and one is a starring role. I've had to put down the games and pick up the weights though. One film is going to have fight scenes so I need to get back in shape and drop a few pounds. Yes, I know...round is a shape, but it's not the one they're looking for. They did another casting call last week for some of the other roles, so hopefully I'll be getting a script soon. I'll keep posting as things progress.

On a gaming note, I've grabbed up a bunch of cool titles for really cheap. I looove clearance racks. Most of the titles I found were for the family though. Like Ratatouille, War Tech, and Stuntman Ignition (all on 360). Geometry Wars Galaxy and Elite Beat Agents (both DS) were more for myself and my girlfriend to play together. Lately I've been looking for those type of games that we can share. I don't have too many co-op titles so I've been looking for more. I really wish Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (DS) had co-op story mode like Lego Indy or Lego Star Wars.

But on a single-player note, I grabbed up Nanostray 2 (DS). So far, all I have played are the challenges...and they are rightly named. This is the old-school gameplay I've been looking for. I'm sure the story mode is awesome too, but damn, this is one tough game. I'm also working on Chili Con Carnage (PSP). One of those "it's so stupid it's fun" titles. Imagine a cross between Dead To Rights, Max Payne, and the Steve Martin/Chevy Chase/Martin Short film Three Amigos. I may take a little time this weekend to play Dark Sector (PS3) or Codemned 2 (360). I've also got a few PS1 & 2 titles I've been itching to play Okami, X-Files: Resist or Serve, and Syphon Filter.

Other than gaming, I'll be starting on season 3 of Doctor Who and Scrubs. I haven't even opened Monk season 1 yet or Bones for that matter. And how could I forget 24? I am so far behind on 24...but I really want to finish the game (PS2) before moving on to season 3. So much to do and only 2 days in the weekend. I better get started! I hope each and every one of you have a great weekend...


Oh, yeah...for all of you DS owners out there; check out Time Hollow. It looks awesome!

A star may be born...

Tomorrow I go to my first casting call. I've found an ad for a local indie-film group doing an open casting call for a short film being made in the area. I'm hoping this will open a new door to career opportunities and eventually lead to voice acting for cartoons and video games. I know indie films are a long way from Hollywood, but hell, you gotta start somewhere...

And more non-gaming news...I'm looking at starting a second band/project. I know most who read this are going to think "why aren't you putting together a real band for your FIRST project?", or "you have a band?". Both are valid questions, but yes, I'm starting a second band to handle a different aspect of my writing. Marked By Ashes is a darker/heavier side and the new project will be more like Primitve Radio Gods, Black Lab, and have more of a 90's alternative feel. I've got a few names in mind, but nothing solid yet. I'll let everyone know as soon as I figure out what the hell I'm doing. One thing is for sure; I'm setting myself on a 6-month deadline. What that means is I'll be looking to have demos ready by March 1st and I'll be looking to everyone to give me feedback on them...which could be scary...brace yourselves...

Oh, and on a gaming note...I managed to find a brand new copy of the first Trauma Center (DS) for $8 tonight at Toys 'R Us, so if you hear any screaming profanity coming from the east coast, it's probably me trying to destroy a guilt virus. Not as easy as you would think...

Until later...Cheers!


Still searching...

From my last blog, I have manged to collect a few of thegames on my list. Siren and Kuon were fairly easy to track down, but the PS1 titles have become a challenge. I still need to find a pristine copy of Kuon, but what I found will keep me satisfied until that perfect copy shows up. I managed to get my hands on a copy of Dino Crisis 2, but just not the cash. Hopefully it'll stay put until Thursday (payday). I'm trying to stay away from Ebay just for the simple fact that if I start shopping, I have a hard time stopping. Ebay is a drug. That's all I have for now...

In search of...

I just felt the need to type tonight. With the coming release of the new Siren: Blood Curse on the PS3 network, I'm out to find a few older survival-horror titles that I foolishly traded in the past.

Kuon (PS2) - one of the coolest and damn near scariest games I ever played. It's right up there with the Silent Hill series, but with a creepiness more akin to The Grudge or Ringu.

Siren (PS2) - why have the new one without the predecessor? I had this one for a while but never took the time to play it. Now if I could just find it in good condition again.

Parasite Eve 1 & 2 (PS1) - What a freakiin' awesome pair of games! This was pure quality for the PS1. I wish I had never traded them...especially since I never finished PE2.

Dino Crisis 1 & 2 (PS1) - forget DC3...I'd just as soon never see that one again. But DC 1 & 2?... what an awesome series, but such a shame is went down in flames.

Hmmm, my better half is giving me the evil eye for being on the computer so late...guess this means goodnight everyone!


Tips for buying cheap games (plus an update to my update)

In my earlier post, I forgot to mention that I have finally gone through my list and updated my game collection. I don't know if anyone really actually keeps up with these lists or if anyone ever looks at someone else's, but I simply felt the need to update mine today. I've traded so many titles and then purchased so many more, I lost track of my list. Some I've purchased and then returned simply because I didn't want to pay the retail (usually used) price. Which brings me to my real topic (and probably why you're reading this); buying cheap games.

The following information is for those who may or may not be aware of certain perks to thrifty shopping. If you have tips you would like to share, by all means, post them in the comments.

Disclaimer: I have resigned from Gamestop, so this is not a plug for them.

That out of the way, I must say I whole-heartedly support the purchase of used games. Of course, being somewhat of a collector, I will only purchase ones that have perfect boxes, instructions, and no scratches on the discs. Here's where Gamestop comes in: BUY THEIR DISCOUNT CARD! I have paid for mine several times over with the amount of games I've purchased. But don't just settle for the 10% the card provides...if you give your email address when signing up for the card, you get a weekly email with a coupon. These coupons can be used in conjunction with the discount card. Let's look at my purchase tonight for example:

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions (PSP)

Retail price at release ( 10/9/07 ): $39.99

Used price drop ( 7/16/08 ): $17.99

This week's coupon: 20% off ANY used games (Limit 3)

Discount card: Additional 10% off used games

Total purchase: $12.59 (before state sales tax)

Total savings: $27.40

So, my point here is this: patience is savings. By waiting for the right opportunity, I saved almost 70%. I know it's great to have a game the day it comes out...hell, I'll have every Silent Hill game on release day as long as they continue the series...but some things are really worth waiting for. Especially if you're gaming on a budget. The game will be available for a while...just be patient and wait for that price drop or used copy.

Another great thing to watch for are regular sales. Toys 'R Us recently had "buy 2 get 1 free" on ALL Nintendo DS titles. Gamestop does the same on used games from time to time (and the discount card still applies towards the cost of the used games), and once in a while someone may run a "buy 1 get 1 free" sale on specific companies or titles. The best way to keep up with sales is weekly ads. Every Sunday morning I'm online with the sales ads for Best Buy, Circuit City, Toys 'R Us, and Target.

Last but not least, search for clearance bins. Every time I go to a Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, or Toys 'R Us, I'm searching for a clearance bin. I managed to find Tony Hawk's Project 8 (PS3) for $8.49 brand new. Recently, I also found Bleach (DS) for $14.95, Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers (DS) for $8, and Jam Session (DS) for $5. Watch for these helpful bins and when you find them, check often. You never know what kind of goodies you'll find.

So there you have it...gaming on a budget. And remember, stock up on cheap games when you find them so you'll have plenty to get you through those rough times when there are no decent releases or you just really don't have the cash to grab new titles. And if all else fails, grab up a few $5 (or less) used PS2 or Xbox games to keep you playing until something better comes along...

Until later...Cheers!

Updates all around...

So I figure now is a good time for an update...considering my PS3 is doing the same. In fact, I actually spend more time updating my system and downloadng game data to the hard drive than playing games. I'm not downing the PS3, but I sure wish I didn't have to go through all this every time I go to access the Playstation store or drop in a new game.

In other update news, I recently finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune...loved EVERY minute of it...except for sitting around for 10 minutes waiting for the system update and data to download. But I digress...currently I have my daughter so my gaming time has diminished, but all for the best. I do get time to play a game here or there when she goes off to bed. Recently, I picked up Dark Sector for the PS3 and Condemned 2: Bloodshot for the 360. I must say, I really like them both so far.

It looks like my update on the system has completed, so I'm off to see what new joys have arrived on the PSNetwork...until later, Cheers!

New games and new horizons?

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I'm working...and making a nice chunk of change. A nice paycheck combined with my stimulus check (finally!) has allowed me to make a few purchases and still provide for the family and put away for my daughter. I've also made a list of a few games to pick up over the next few weeks or so. Some may be a bit more difficult than others, but I've always enjoyed the hunt...which reminds me that I need to update my game collection list. But, without further delay...

Recent finds: I've been putting off buying Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for a while now, but when I saw FFTA-2 was on the way, I figured it was time to grab it up before it disappeared. I also took time to replace a few titles I had traded a while back; the two Maximo titles for PS2, GTA: Vice City Stories for the PSP, and the Atari Classics Evolution was on sale at GameStop. Toys R Us has their Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale on DS games this week, so I had to grab up 2 copies of Lego Indy (for myself and my girlfriend) as well as a copy of Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker. And of course, the crowning achievement...Tales of the Abyss (PS2). It shocked me to find this in mint condition at my local GameStop, but then I visited a few other stores, and all of them had a perfect condition. Seems that there were a bunch of them sitting in a warehouse (along with copies of Noctourne) and they were sent out to each of the GameStops as used games. The thing is, none of them were used. They were all sealed, but they had to unwrap them and sell them as used. And considering how much it's going for on Ebay, I think I did well finding it for only $30. Now, with this recent haul of new titles, I just hope I get a chance to actually play something soon.

More to save for: Oh, the list of titles grows and grows. Even with owning the DS version, I want Lego Indy for the PS3. You can never have too much Lego goodness. I'm also looking to get Dark Sector and Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3, Condemned 2 on the 360, and Final Fantasy Tactics for the DS and PSP. I hate to admit that I had the Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube, along with the two PS2 titles, but sold them months ago when I was strapped for cash. So, I think I'll settle for the recent box set of Metal Gear Essentials to replace those titles. Other than that, I'll be looking for a good copy of Tales of Legendia (PS2) and Tales of Eternia (PSP). And how can I forget the latest Hot Shots Golf titles?

On the horizon: So many games to look forward to...Dragon Quest 4,5, & 6 and Final Fantasy 4 on the DS, Silent Hill Homecoming, Lego Batman, Resistance 2, Gears Of War 2, and I've recently heard that Brave is making an appearance on the DS and PSP in August. For those of you not familiar with Brave, check out Brave: Search For Spirit Dancer on's an adventure/platforming title that is just plain fun. There's no insanely deep story, no massively epic battles, just a fun game.

So much to look forward to...I know I'll have Silent Hill Homecoming the day of it's release. Other than that, I'll pick up what I can as I can. I still have bills to, what is everyone else eagerly awaiting? Anything caught your eye recently and you just had to buy it? Pitching a tent in Wal-Mart for anything in particular? Not that I need any more games taunting me, but I'd love to know what everyone is playing or saving up for. In the meantime, it's back to Lego Indy...


Happy Fathers Day

I hope all of you have a great day and are able to spend time with your fathers, or those of you who have children of your own, are able to spend time with family and enjoy it. Personally, I'll be mowing the lawn and going grocery shopping today, but I do plan on catching Prince Caspian at the theater this afternoon. Unfortunately, my father is currently in Tennessee picking up my nephew and won't be home until later this evening, and my daughter is in Florida with her mother. No worries though, I'll be seeing her in a few weeks.

A quick update before I close for the day: I have finally secured a decent job working 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, like a real adult, and it looks like I could stick around long enough to build up my resume' a bit. I answered an ad for a phlebotomist (drawing blood for lab work), but the position is a bit more clerical work than I thought. I do a lot of filing, data entry, and answering phones, but I'll see an occasional patient. And I'm happy to report that I'll be making a better hourly wage than I ever have. Once I get my bills sorted, I may be thinking about catching up on a few games that I've missed out on (like Lego Indy).

That's all for now...Cheers!