I was working on some questions for my next "Getting to know YOU" blog when I started thinking of things that completely irritate me in the gaming world. So, I'm going to delay the next installment of my new series of blogs in favor of this special rant. Enjoy.
Upon reviewing some recent entertainment news headlines, I have discovered that so many issues could be avoided if people would just do things right from the beginning and quit acting like they haven't got the common sense of a sack of bricks. Most of it stems from "public outcry" or "company research", but doesn't it all boil down to someone saying "Hey, let's try..."? This is my opinion of some of those "let's try..." moments that haven't quite shaped up for the better.
Good idea - New and innovative Nintendo consoles and handhelds
Bad idea - Releasing the same system several times before moving on to the next.
I've been a Nintendo faithful for many years now. I've grown to love their catalog of characters and game series, but what I haven't figured out is why they can't just release a system and work on titles for it until time to develop the next system. It was less thana year and a half after the release of the Nintendo DS here in America that they announced the DS Lite which would offer a smaller, lighter weight system with brighter screens and better battery life. Less than 6 months later, another announcement that there would be 2 more color options available. 1 year from that, another color option. What's my point? This isn't the first time this has happened with Nintendo. Think back to the GameBoy Advance for a moment. There was the original Advance, several color choices released, the Advance SP, again several color choices, the GameBoy Micro (which was just a tiny Advance), and then the Advance SP+ (brighter screens) with, again, more color choices. And this doesn't only apply to handhelds. Some of you may remember the redesigned NES system that was supposed to look more like the SNES and released in 1993 (called the NES 2). Even the N64 and GameCube had several different color schemes released throughout the life of the respective systems. You know why I haven't purchased a Wii yet? Not because they're hard to find...I'm waiting for them to release it in black like they did with the DS Lite because I'm NOT going to buy another Nintendo system twice (4 times in the case of my DS).
Good idea - Sony dropping prices on the PS3
Bad idea - Sony can't decide what to package with the PS3
The price tag on the PS3 has turned me off from the system from the very beginning. Now, Sony can't make up it's mind as to what to produce. To recap, Sony released the system November 11, 2006, (LESS THAN 1 YEAR AGO!) in a 20GB and 60GBmodel. 5 months later, they completely discontinue the 20GB system in North America because of a lack of demand. Another 4 months later, we have word that the 60GB system is being discontinued in favor of the new 80GB systems. Now, here we are on the threshold of another holiday season, and Sony has announced a new price point for the 80GB system and a new40GB system which has LESS FEATURES than the original 20GB system (only 2 USB ports as opposed to the standard 4, no SACD support, and no PS2 backwards compatability). How long will it be before Sony decides to offer up a 120GB system? How long before consumers get worried that Sony can't make up it's mind and settle on a system to show support for? And while I'm on the Sony topic...
Good idea - Sony enters the handheld market with the PSP offering TONS of features.
Bad idea - Didn't all the other Sony consoles have 2 analog sticks? And let's talk about this "redesign" and it's packaging...
Take a quick look at my game collection and you'll notice that I have over 80 titles for my PSP. I absolutely LOVE this system. But what the hell were they thinking??? ONE analog stick??? Exactly who was the brilliant designer that suggested this one? Didn't you know that people were going to be burning up the gamer forums about this? And then you so brilliantly announce the "slimmer and lighter" design. Have the Sony developers been watching Nintendo for ideas? Face it Sony, you're grasping at straws here. There was nothing wrong with the original PSP (except for that omitted second analog stick). Yet you want to waste valuable production time to make it "19% smaller and 33% lighter". Brilliant. Sure you added a video output so PSP games can be played on your home television, but doesn't that cut out some of the portability being teathered to a TV by an A/V cable? And I thought the ideaof handhelds was to play them on the go...where having a TV and console aren't convenient...and a large majority of the games are designed for single players. The alternate colors were a nice idea, but they should have been available at launch. And I can't reiterate enough that the development costs (time and money) of the "Slim & Light" should have been directed towards the PSP2. While I'm at it, what's with the packaging of the redesign? It looks like one of those cheap "plug and play" systems you see at the game shop for $20 or less. And I found out a few days ago that the included copy of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron HAS NO CASE! That was brilliant in and of itself! Who comes up with this crap? Would it have really taken up so much room in the box to include the case and instructions for the game? Think, Sony, THINK!
Good idea - High definition gaming and movies
Bad idea - Multiple formats of high definition
Let's forget for a moment that not all of us have thousands upon thousands of dollars to spend on huge, widescreen, hi-def televisions and 7.1 surround sound systems to complement. Let's also forget for a moment thathi-def players and discs (HD and Blu Ray) are also a bit pricey. Do you really want to spend money on yet another copy of that movie you probably had on Betamax, VHS, LaserDisc, import VCD, DVD, and Super Special Collector's Director's Cut Unrated Extended And Enhanced Edition Double DiscDVD? (For those who said yes, I bet you bought it on UMD as well didn't you?) This is a new generation of the Betamax Vs. VHS war from the 80's and there will be only one survivor when the dust settles. Right now, I'm sticking with standard DVD. If I need to make a prediction, I'm going to side with HD DVD. Sure, the specs don't measure up to Blue Ray, but right now, the only thing Blue Ray really has going for it as support is the PS3, and Sony can't seem to figure out what the hell they're doing (see previous commentary above). The more recent announcement that many studios are siding with one format or another shows that the battlelines have been drawn. Paramount and Dreamworks are siding with HD DVD; Sony Pictuers and 20th Century Fox with Blue Ray. Overall, Warner Home Video has the right idea with their Total Hi Def format (HD on one side, Blue Ray on the other), but what's to say that either format will catch on? For now, I'm content with my standard DVD format.
Good idea - New hardware / software releases
Bad idea - New hardware / software releases near the holidays
What better way to boost your sales than to release a brand new system or highly anticipated title right before (or during) theWinter holidayshopping season. (For the record, I'm using the term "Winter Holiday Season" to encompass all religious and non-religious gift-giving holidays that fall between November and January.) Last year was a shopping nightmare. Best Buy, Circuit City, Toys R Us,and Wal-Mart (just to name a few) were beseiged by campers holding their place in line for hours...days...even weeks...just to be the first to grab up a brand new Wii or Playstation 3. Copies of Zelda: Twilight Princess disappeared from shelves as fast as they arrived. Being a retail veteranwith 15 tours of duty under my belt (I seem to get suckered into working at some retail store for the winter holidays every year), it bothers me to see grown, adult people go to war in a public shopping mall so their child can have exactly what his or her spoiled ass wants because he or she can't wait until next month when there are 1500 copies of that game on the damn shelf at every retailer in the city. I'm not suggesting that developers stop releasing titles and hardware during the holiday months, but it'sstupid to set a release date around the holidays just to create an unnecessary demand. I think everyone knows exactly why Reggie Fils-Aime announced that there would bea shortage of Wii systems this holiday...to boost demand. Which brings me to my final portion of this rant...
Good idea - Shopping Ebay
Bad idea - Shopping Ebay during the Winter Holiday Season
I like shopping Ebay. There's nothing more satisfying than paying a fraction of the price for whatever you're looking for. But not during the holiday months. Once an item makes the "Top Gift" list, you can bet that people are standing in lines at the stores ready to snatch up whatever they can just to turn a huge profit on Ebay. And there are people dumb enough to pay huge percentages over the retail price because they MUST HAVE IT! I saw PS3's going for multiple-thousands of dollars. Wii systems reaching the thousands. It was DAMN STUPID! What is wrong with people who can't be patient enough to wait until the systems are more readily available? I made a prediction last year that by January 21st, you could walk into a store and buy a PS3 right off the shelf. You know what? I was right. I said the same about the Wii, but I didn't think they would continue "having trouble producing systems" the entire year, but lo and behold, they managed to create a year-long demand for the system by keeping supplies short. And this means that there will be people scouring Ebay again this year paying hundreds of dollars over retail just to grab up a system for some bratty kid. I remember seeing a news clips online of reporters interviewing some of the first people to get Wii and PS3 systems. What did most of them say? "I'm going right home and putting this on Ebay and hopefully turn a nice profit". To those people, you make me sick. To the people dumb enough to pay these outrageous prices, you need to re-evaluate your lives. It's a damn video game people! It'll be around for a few years! I promise!
That's all for now. Take care of yourselves...and don't do anything stupid.
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