Since when is 86% a bad thing?smokeydabear076
you have to look on the whole picture, 86% is the Average-Score.
"PC Gamer" rated C&C3 very good 90%
"PC Gamer UK" rated C&C3 good 82%
but you're definitely right, 82% is still a good game (but for myself a game with that score is not as good as the RTS-Games i'd like to play)
Other Question, which of this (only) two magazines is more trustworthy? Let's wait and see ;)
PS: i compared some scores from both magazines on Gamerankings:
Game / PC-Gamer / PC-Gamer UK / UserAverage
BfME / 86 / 73 / 79
BfME2 / 90 / 80 / 58
CoH / 96 / 94 / 94
RoN:RoL / 89 / 87 / 84
so far PC-Gamer tends to give too high scores, PC-Gamer UK is closer to the Average Userscore...
the following Games got similar scores
Rome / 92 / 95
Supreme C. / 91 / 90
DoW / 87 / 91
DoW: DC / 79 / 80
IMHO PC-Gamer UK is right, i haven't seen enough depth in this game from the demo
I'm looking forward to the Gamespot Review :)
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