insomniac already stated that they have gotten 60 players working already and around the us with different connection. their secret is dedicated serversRagashahs
Bungie aren't refering to the technical aspects of 60 players but if anything the level design. Battlefield 2 was a ram eater and had huge maps, 60 players is gonna have to be on that scale to play well, in much less available ram. - The Witcher, over 600k sold, a single player game If i'm not mistaken. Where's the piracy now? This shows UT3 didn't sell because it wasn't a fun game.
apples and oranges? comparing different genres surely can't be accurate. Mass Effect much more open world rpg, large planets, surroundings against a more closed off, linear action game?
FF13 looks great in those shots, but it's blatantly not CGI quality like square touted. And people who say FF13 is nowhere near complete, that maybe true but forget that e3 demos and other images and vids are made almost seperate from the game, hence 'E3 Build'. These games are made to look as good as possible to demo, so don't expect that huger leap.
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