It's all in the approach. If you approach us without BS or cheesy lines you'll have a better response. If you're not cute then, that's why you'll never be taken seriously, sorry. We like guys with confidence, so when you do ask us out, don't sound like you're asking your teacher if you can go to the bathroom. Be cool and calm, and prepared for no. Rejection is the key to success. For every 5 no's you'll find one that will say yes. Don't give up, because video games don't hug back.
MarsGurl08's forum posts
This holiday season for games is crazy! I've bought Rock Band 2 and Fable 2, but I plan on getting Gears of Wars 2 and NBA 2K9, I want Fallout too but money can't be stretched that far. I think I need a second job, LMAO. Or my boyfriend should buy me some games but that's tough too since he likes playing games too. So, we're both basically broke from this holidays gaming lineup. I read this article the best thing in life are free except girls and games. But for me, the best thing in life ain't free because I'm a girl that likes games. LOL!
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