I own the game and have done from day one. It has a few problems but there not game breaking. This game is loads of fun and will keep you coming back for more its a console mmo and new content is always being added which for £45.00 is well worth the money. There is no sub for this game. You can unlock everything in this game for FREE there is a store but buying things early will not I repeat will not give you the advantage overe other players. For me buying early is stupid your not making the most out of the game ok so u have to grind to get your stuff but its a fun grind. And please tell me a game you don't have to grind on to unlock better things. So people if your in any doubt about getting this game go get it you won't be disappointed.
How do they do that when you can unlock everything for free. Do you own the game?? Because its sounds like you don't know what your talking about . The game is so addictive and is worth the £45.00 of anyone's moneyyou get a mmo on a console with no sub
Resident evil not what they once were I remember playing the first one on the ps1 it was sooooo good you could play it over and over and never get fed up that's because they were creative with a good story you had to solve problems as well as shooting the shit out of zombies and there was big boss fights all the way through from start to finish the new games are to narrow and the gameplay is shit
Marshydude1's comments