it will be a tense battle between wii-u and Xbone ps4 is a generation ahead difficult too beat
playstation is the brand we live for the brand that is synonymous with gaming World Wide
repeat this mantra!!
the King is Back
LOL. Fanboys are so amusing to watch.
I also love how Sony fanboys are still trying to pretend that PS3 has outsold the 360. It was announced that the Xbox 360 crossed the 80 million mark in October and Sony announced that the PS3 crossed the 80 million mark a month later in November. Since then, sales reports show that the 360 sold more than the PS3 in both November and December therefore Xbox 360 is still in second and PS3 is still in last.
Exact and then consider the differences in sales from xbox to 360 and from ps2 to ps3 the ps3 should be considered last even if id did manage to outsell the 360 by a mil or two as sony was definitely the loser and not m$. Ps4 looks to be winning this gen tho and ill own them all as usual(well not a wiiu, nintendo's gimmicks and casualization of games failed me especially after i loved my gamecube so much)'so i dont have to worry about this nonsense like the fanboys.
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