@SulphuricSaliva @MasterOfMordor If you can't stand the voice, you do not need to listen to it, nor is that the reason you initially cited. However I will say that I do agree it can be a bit grating.
@Blondezilla11 @MasterOfMordor Kevin is a Senior Editor at GameSpot. I believe Caro's boss, but I may be mistaken. I am not looking to get her fired, but rather explain to Kevin that rather than blindly defending every aspect of her review as both he and everyone else at GameSpot has done, he may want to look at what happens when a reviewer becomes to subjective in their reviews, and the damage it can actually do.
@Kevin-V I am also curious why you can create, produce and air a show dedicated to the vitriolic morons with nothing good to say, thereby lending them credence, while you give absolutely no time to the posters with something of value to say.
As an example, my post arguing your reasoning for Caro's review and GameSpot's reviews in general, has, as of the time of this writing, more likes than your post, indicating that your readers agree with what I have to say. Yet, my posts and posts from others like me go ignored to fade into the vast void of space, rather than being lent any sort of respect, time, or acknowledgement.
Why not have a show that pulls some of the best critical posts and speaks to them. Explain why the reader is wrong, or possibly even admit that GameSpot is wrong and needs to change in some form. Why poke fun at people that have nothing worth hearing to say; instead why not talk about the real issues many of your readers have with aspects of the site.
You speak about the community of GameSpot, but only acknowledge the dark side, or the super bright cheery "you guys are the best!" side. There are intelligent posters that have good, fair, critical statements to make, but you treat them as if they don't exist. Where is the fairness in that?
@Blondezilla11 @MasterOfMordor Do you mind if I use your post and repost it to kevin van ord. If you do, i understand, but I want to show him that in reality Caro's bias review DOES hurt the sales of the game. Because she was not objective you almost never even tried it out.
Again, if you'd rather I didn't I will entirely respect that.
@Blondezilla11 @MasterOfMordor No worries, and thank you. That is the only point I am trying to make. It is wrong for a reviewer to let their own opinions and biases color a review, and to force those biases on the reader. That is not objective, and a game review, almost by definition needs to be objective.
You can mention the existence of racism, violence, torture, sexism, in an objective way. That is not what Caro did, and the fact that she and GameSpot give no credence to anyone's argument against it, no matter how valid, is what has me so hot around the collar.
@Blondezilla11 That is the problem when you start to write reviews in such a subjective way as Caro did. You did not find sexism to be that rampant or offensive, but you almost didn't buy the game because a feminist told you that it was "profoundly misogynistic". If she had kept her review more objective, you may not have needed to make a deal with a friend in order to give GTAV a shot. She tried to place her values and moral system onto you and it almost worked. That is what is wrong with her review.
@avalanche814 @Blondezilla11 @jski Yup, bitches be crazy, you know that! :) (From the movie The Heartbreak Kid) Probably a movie you should stay away from blondie.
MasterOfMordor's comments