@AggrandizedUser @MasterOfSprites A game is a product. The analogy makes complete sense. Of course it isn't exactly a dress, don't you understand symbolism? I am not going to bother with the rest of your comment because you are over-valuing game reviewers. They don't push innovation, often times they make producers afraid to innovate in fear it will cause a low score by closed minded journalists and destroy sales. No one like reviewers other than people who don't actually make products or art.
@AggrandizedUser @el_marto2003 Wow, your comment was over-dramatic. They should absolutely take into account that some people haven't played the other games. They should also take people who played the other games into account too. They need to give recommendations to players of all shapes and sizes. They should absolutely be sensitive to the subjectivity of others, their job is to tell us what to buy. You don't sell the same dress to every single woman assuming they will feel the same, do you?
@BuBsay Don't let them hear you say that. They might give you nonsense about how they count their scores up instead of down, as if that really makes that much of a difference. In the end, it is still missing points.
GameSpot is losing my respect very quickly. Not only are their reviews getting more and more off the mark, this new website layout sucks. I feel like I am going to puke just looking at it and trying to navigate it. This is the first time I have signed on this website in like a month because I just hate it so much. I want to transfer over to a better gaming review website, but at this point I am like an abused house wife and just keep coming back.
MasterOfSprites' comments