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Master_Warrior Blog

Friends B-Day

Today I'm going to go to a B-Day party of one of my best friends, we're going to play Halo 2 most likely and maby some Crimson Skies and who knows what else...

Gaming today...

Today I've invited my friend from across the street and we are going to play some Halo, Metroid prime 2: Echoes and might do the funky chicken:oops: Might even pass some gas >:wink: and that's not an arrow

Putting links on your sig...

Finally... I was able to figure how to put links on your sig thanks to my friends... For myself and anyone trying to figure this out this is how you do it.

[url*=]thenameyouwant[/url] just without the *, I have to do that to be able to wright it down.

If you need any help send me a letter or make a comment.


Today**sniff, tear roles down cheek** my dad had to borrow the money I was going to use to buy The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap... So now unless I can get him to pay me back soon I'll have to wait until my B-Day**Sniff** Now... if you'll excuse me... I have to cry my heart out **Crys heart out and dies** But look... there's a fairy that I left in my bottle... Yay I'm saved.


Now that I have an Xbox I will no longer buygames for the computer, **If I can help it** Since I have the Xbox and it's superior gaming ability I thought I would only buy stuff for XBox. I already have a good collection of games for the PC and I'll continue to play them until I sell and or dislike them to the point when I play destroy. **HALO ROCKS**

Halo on Legendary

Today I beat Halo on Legendary in CO-OP, I saw the little special moment between the Elite and Sgt. Johnson. But talk about tuff, I was the one driving and I would of won if I had two more seconds, but after that it took four tries and then we beat it.:)

Playing Halo on Heroic

Dang it, it's really tuff... I'm on The Truth and Reconciliation right before you get on the ship and I can't get buy it. If I can't beet the game on heroic than how can I beet it on Legendary? I've just got to keep trying...


Today... I consider myself... one of the millions of people that have defeated Halo... Yep, today I beat Halo. It was awesome, and I think I have an idea on the story on Halo 2. Hopefully I'll get that for my B-Day, as well as a few other things :D


For Christmas, at my Grandmothers house, I got an XBox with a copy of Halo: Combat evolved, Top Spin tennis, and NCAA Football 2005. Not to longer after I had the Xbox I went out and bought two controllers and my brother bought Star Wars: Jedi Acedemy.
Of course Halo is by far the best game I have so far, the it's Jedi Acedemy, then Football and Tennis. I'm already on the last level of halo after a little under two weeks of playing it and it's truly an incredible game. Previously I was a hard core Zelda Fan, and still am, but now I've added Halo to my fan list. Can't wait to get Halo 2 for my birthday coming up...


Since I've been kinda bored lately I've just been writing some reviews on some of the good games that I've played. That's pretty much it. Otherwise, check with the entry on Sep. twelvth.
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