@kennythomas26 @greatgood If by RLofD you mean the blinking red light it's basically what shows after the YLOD. The red screen can be several issues ranging from screwed up software to some type of other failure. As for overheating I have seen it happen it used to happen to my 40gb which I rarely used. I bought it watched a few blu rays didn't play it for a few months and then when I played GoW 3 the fan would go into full blast, and sometimes over heat which is nuts since i barely used it/it had no dust in it.
@greatgood The breaking down excuse is getting old , this isn't 2006 -2008. I repair consoles as a side job and you know what more PS3's are coming in. The fat and slim models are breaking down whether it's YLOD, or a bad HDD thanks to Sony, or even a dead blu ray lens. Don't get me wrong I gets 360's but not that many slims, mainly old ones like the ones with the falcon named MB and the ones before that. I'd say I'm getting 3 ps3's to every 1 360
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