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Matchoupatchou1 Blog

Growing Union

My union is starting to build up speed, its getting new members and more topics and posts, but it could always use new members so if you like Halo and/or Legos please join.

Saving the Cortana for last

In other word, saving the worst for last. Cortana is the last level I have to beat on legendary before I get the "campaign complete:Legendary" achievment. Luckily I beat the other levels with a friend when he brought his disk.

new halo 3 disk

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I need a new halo 3 disk because my xbox scratched mine, I was just playing it and I heard this "grhnanpdfgj" sound, and nothing was wrong with it until I had beaten the last level on legandary and was watching the end movie when it said "disk is unreadable please clean". and it didn't dave my game so I cant beat two of the levels. It sucks.

Its Back!!!!

My xbox360 got back from the repair shop and it had almost all the memory still!!! all I have to do is rebeat 3 of the hardest levels in the game on legandary! shouldn't be to hard.


As I am slowly approching rank 10, I will soon be uploading a video. If people could give me ideas or suggestions, that would be good.

Its Up!!!

My union is up and running, thanks to all the people who joined and made it possible, oh and if you haven't joined already, please join


My union can't start because not enough charter members joined!!!

Oh well, I'm trying again, so I have to wait for people to accept again.

If I sent you a request, PLEASE ACCEPT, you can quit later if you want, but it will get my union going

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