Alright, so, I waited quite a long time to jump on the 360 bandwagon. Stupid me, 'cause now that I have one, I'm in love with it and am vaguely obsessed.
However, I've noticed that, as a friend of mine puts it, all of the major XBox titles "have got a lot of muscle on them". Games like Gears 2, the Halo trilogy, Fable I & II, while all extremely enjoyable and fun, all have more of a masculine, high-graphic-content, adrenaline rush feel to them. And most of the new and upcoming titles all seem to be major shooters, horror based games, or something that is, again, more muscular. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE these games, but I like to vary my gameplay, A LOT. I'm a gamer who spans all spectrums, from Kirby to Halo to Zelda to Unreal Tournament to World of WarCraft.
All the major games I see coming out that aren't going along the same lines as other XBox games are all licensed titles, which isn't always a bad thing, but usually if I'm not into whatever's being licensed, I won't like a game (I know there are exceptions to this so if there is a licensed game out there that is absolutely great, let me know, please).
So, since I'm sort of a new fangirl, and don't really know what all is out there, can you guys point me in the right direction to some lesser-known games that are still great without being so OOOMPH? I'm seriously considering getting Rockband II for the XBox for Christmas. Oh, and I'm looking into Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon - but I wanted to get some more feedback before diving in headfirst with those two.
Here are the games I already own for the XBox:
Halo I, II, III
Fable II
Eternal Sonota
Beatiful Katamari
Naruto: Rise of the Ninja
Castle Crashers
Bomberman: Live
And to give you guys an idea of what I'm after...some of my favorite games are: Tetris, the Legend of Zelda series (probably why I like Fable so much), Final Fantasy series, any Kirby game, Command & Conquer, WarCraft III, Secret of Mana, Puzzle Quest, Pokemon (shut up, now), EverQuest 2, World of WarCraft, any Need For Speed game, MarioKart, and well, I think you guys have the idea.
So, please, keep in mind, this isn't a "What good games are there for the Box" thread. This is a "What games are there that aren't stereotypical, shiny, muscular XBox games"?
And I've already checked out the "What Game Should I Get" Sticky thread, and once again, it seems all the major titles everyonet alks about are all the stereotypical XBox titles, save for the ones I already have and a couple of other.
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