Well I'm going off now, no quotes right now. I'll put 4 up tomorrow to compensate.
Well I'm going off now, no quotes right now. I'll put 4 up tomorrow to compensate.
ok sleep well I'll leave you with another quote:
"To keep from dying is not the same as to live."
"The Unknowns surround us at any given moment.
That is where we seek knowledge."
I have to go now, I'll have lesson 2 up soon I hope.
I leave you with 2 quotes:
"Love is the highest achievement to which any human
may aspire. It is an emotion that encompasses the full
depth of the heart, mind and soul"
"Discovery is dangerous.....but so is life. A person
unwilling to take risks is doomed never to learn,
never to grow, never to live."
Hope you like them.
DP it's good to have you back :D
Well it's late now and I have to go, I won't be on till tomorrow afternoon.
Today was great I talked to XV for a bit and had a great conversation with LC :D.
Sleep well my friends see you soon I hope.
Ok I just went past it :D
I hope to have lesson 2 up soon. See you all later I'll be leaving soon.
Ok this is the first in a series of entries I’m dedicating to giving a basic introduction to guitar playing.
Basic starter points.
1) The best thing you can do is to use an acoustic guitar with nylon chords, classic style, to bejín learning. It doesn’t matter if you are gonna do it with an electrical (if you are going to use an amplifier use clean tone) or with an acoustic guitar with stell chords, but I recommed the acoustic with nylon chords.
2) This is vital don’t try and go too fast thru it. You have to understand and perform well what is stated in one of the lessons before you advance.
3) All of the excersises must be practiced slowly and once you have dominated them you can speed up your pace. You should never let speed stop you from controlling your movements. It is very important for all of you to understand that when learning to play a certain instrument what matters is the quality of the sound you play, not the speed. You can dash thru an excersise but if nobody can understand what in the world you are playing it is usesless.
4) Last but not least, patiece and perseverance are the only things that will make you a good player. Choose a time of the day to practice (no matter the length) and try to remain constant. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t get something right, nobody goes at the same pace. You should take your own pace, as is said “you must crawl before you walk”, work step by step and little by little. Commitment is very important if you don’t well you’ll be waisting your time.
Sorry if there are mistakes in this but I have to translate parts of the info and write some others. I’ll post a lesson at least once a week I hope, if you have any questions please let me know.
Max65 out.
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