Yea it's too bad ETW turned out to be a stinking pile of crap.
Maximus808's forum posts
Yep, I recieved a message saying my review had been removed because it upset some people, and if I did it again I would be banned.
Needless to say, banned or not I'll never return to this site. I didn't realize Gamespot HQ was in Beijing.
No loss, I have five stores in town to buy video games from, Babbages, Bestbuy, Circuit City, Walmart, and Gamespot.
Guess which one I'll never be entering again. So ban me, who cares?
Just bought GTA4 and sucks.
Clumsy controls, unresponsive controls, etc etc etc
Wow what hype for this garbage. My wife even bought me the strategy guide. I'm sticking to PC games. I'm tired of wasting money.
Ironic thread...just stumbled across it and I have to say, as an online mp gamer of COD , CODUO....that yes, COD4 has completely turned me off to online gaming of any kind and made me hate most online gamers.
COD4 (PC) was the reason I bought my PS3, and the further I get away from pc gaming the more I'm finding I like it.
I'll never play anything online anymore though and will never miss it.
Actually I prefer being outside doing "real" stuff anyway.
I have no idea.
Whatever strikes my fancy when I'm at Walmart or Best Buy I guess.
Don't think there's any game I can think of that I feel I have to buy.
I played through COD4 and besides the graphics, was not impressed.
Multiplayer isn't something I enjoy anymore so after I beat it on singleplayer I tossed it.
I was actually kinda pissed off cause the singleplayer was a 5 hour experience which means I paid ten bucks an hour to do this game. I'll let the COD fanboys buy COD5.
Despite how much I love my PS3, at the moment i cant really say that it has a system seller. once MGS4 and R2 and KZ2 come out it will but not at the moment. i think the system seller for PS3 right now is blurayTOTAL_DEFENSE_0
Not for me. The system seller for me was being able to wash my hands of years of installing beta games on my computer, patching them time after time to no avail. The crashing to desktop because of minor hardware incompatabilities, the list goes on and on...
in short, I found it the perfect time to scrap computer gaming since I had recently had a $2,259.00 gaming PC built only to find that it ran games like crap. It was the straw that broke my back, I couldn't take it any longer so I went out and bought a PS3.
But not for movies, for HD gaming! On a 56" Plasma TV.......So much better then my 23" monitor.
Besides the blu-ray player in PS3 is sub-par as far as I'm concerned. The movies I bought for it lag and skip and jerk from time to time...not impressed. But the game part of it is killer!
Reading through I have a lot of the same games you guys have, but as you can see racing games are my fav..
1. Burnout Paradise
2. Formula 1 Championship Edition
3. Dirt
4. Madden 08
5. Uncharted Drakes Fortune
6. Motor Storm
7. Oblivion GOTY Edition
8. Blazing Angels 2
9. Resistance Fall of Man
10. Juiced 2
[QUOTE="kratos_q80"]yaa man at best buy they are connecting the bravia with the ps3 picture= awesome dude really really awesome ! i noticed that in my plazma TV there are a little white dots on screen but in the bravia NON of those dots appears ! Alfred91
I had an older model plasma that had poor resolution and dots, like you describe. I bought a new 1080i and the dots are gone.:)
So true, I have a 48 inch bravia connected with a hdmi cord to my PS3. All I can say is Godly.
Really no sense in playing games with a PS3 without HDMI.
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