hey in sky rim I'm a vampire and people say you can block out the sun ( I've seen it on youtube) i have the bow and the arrows with her blood on it but when i look up the sky is all cloudy whenever i change the time to daytime it says sun boils my blood it don't a flash and becomes cloudy again plz help
Hey i lived in the us and wen i moved to europe i found out i need an adapter to plug my ps3 in do i need a specific adapter or can i use any plz help thanks
Hello :) i'm moving Georgia and i packed my ps3 and i have some questions 1. will my ps3 work in Europe 2. do they have stores there were i can buy games 3. will my memory be reset ( like game data, trophies , etc ) if it dose reset can i use playstation plus to store it in that special folder were i keep in safe 4. are the outlets in Europe different and if so can i use the outlet adapter to change it 5. how will the PSN store be changed if i'm in Europe thanks for your help
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