You and me both i.e. it sounds a little too good to be true. Knowing that gaming web-sites get ALL their GEAR and GAMES for FREE from well you know the Dev's and or Pubs.!!! It's really hard to trust any/most "reviews" now a day's ever.
Hopefully this time around unlike the original PS2v. one can change the X aka Horizontal movement i.e. pushing the Right stick to the right the camera goes (as I'd call Normal) well you know Right! . If your only playing this game and not any other PS2 or Xbox for that matter game than one can get used to that. Anyway here's hopping that this time out I'll be able to play more than just 1hr. or so of this game. Happy FF gaming all.
Dude (respectfully) this thread is/and should only be about (PC-GAMES) Hello!!! Please consider other gamers besides well you know YOUSELF! Thanks in advance and happy gaming to you.
I soooo hope they also do the same w/ ICO as well! In fact I wonder why they didn't do ICO first because that was the first (Team Ico)-game back in what 2005 or so?!
Well then that's a good thing to be sure but what I seen in the review itself it looks like the same old bubble-talk. Anyway thanks for the response and have yourself a great day friend.
McGuirex3's comments