I wonder if when he says he prefers the Single-Player does he play this mmo in F2P P2P? Because from what I understand a lot is taken away from those who don't wont to pay a monthly sub. I haven't play much of this mmo yet but would like to. Happy gaming all!
Please for the love of (ALL-GAMES(ING))/and all gamers shot your face holes (at least in part) and let the video play and if you don't like this game or those like it go back to your no doubt CoD or the like fps games! Some of you so called ""pro game reviewers"" really piss me off!!!!!!!!!!! Because all your really thinking about is (YOURSELF) and ONLY what (you) like! Do us/yourself a favor and grow up!
Thanks for that bro. because a few day's ago I bought the PC version from GG on sale then for $7+ and looking forward to it cuz I really love playing WWII game FAR more than these now a days ever in our faces CoD's and or the like soooooooooooooo dam often and or NEVEN ending! That said I do wish they'd make another CoD: World at War a WWII game that (to this gamer anyway) was a no stop awesome from start to finish game!!! You could play it over and over and not get tried of it again to me anyway! Happy gaming all
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