i have to disagree with this article...the game needed the flashlight, it was too cumbersome an experience to have to walk around unarmed and go through weapons to have an appropriate ability to kill the monsters.
So the author is complaining about people pre-ordering a current franchise? Because it is outselling the following games at Best Buy...Street Fighter X Tekken, Major League Baseball 2K12, Mario Party 9, and SSX? Please note all of those games are sequals or spin offs of existing IPs. So I am a bit confused. I myself only pre-order from Amazon, and only if i get a hefty amount towards a future purchase. Otherwise I wait until a game goes on sale for $40 or less and am open to games i wouldn't buy if it is selling for $30 or less. If games don't get down to the price point I want, i'll buy them when they hit the actual bargain bin. Here's an example, I wanted to get Red Faction Armaggedon, but the review scores didn't justify a $60 purchase, the pre-order incentive was only $10, and the game didn't fall below $45 until the holiday season. At that point I decided there were too many good games selling at great prices $35 or less (Gears of War, Batman AC, NBA 2K12) that I didn't need to buy any games for full price this holiday, and would wait for that specific game to hit the bargain bin. I tried picking up Red Faction at $10, but it was a faulty copy and repackaged use game being sold as new. So i returned it. I would have paid $40 for Red faction if they lowered the price by early September. They didn't so I didn't buy that game. I did pre-order Halo Anniversary though the week prior to launch because they had a $10 incentive so it was a $30 game in my mind.
I didn't turn my nose at this game because GameSpot gave it a 6. My surprise was all the other sites gave it somewhere around a 3, with GameSpot being the only site giving it higher than a 4. Which is odd since GameSpot is usually harsher in its reviews than other sites. I do think this article is kind of odd though. The real reason I have no interest in NeverDead is because 1) it has barely been covered anywhere, and 2) the coverage I've seen has been abysmal. The game sounded cool, but once you watch a video where a fight last a good 20 minutes you say to yourself does that look like something i would want to do for 20 minutes?
McNeelyJ39's comments