A very wise man once wrote...
5 for $15 is bad if: you're at Arbys, you're buying rolls of toilet paper or gallons of gas, or it's the rate on a phone card.
5 for $15 is good if: you're at a strip club, it's the pitcher cost during happy hour, or it's a solid collection of video games.
Currently playing Portal, Half Life 2 & Team Fortress 2.
Portal is brilliant in it's uniqueness. Minor load times, no frame issues. Playing to long makes my brain hurt.
Half Life 2 is a fun, story driven, fps. Presently stuck in the 2nd section of Sandtraps (can't seem to find enough surface to air rockets to take down 2nd gunship). Medium load times (less than 2 1/2 min. from initiation of game on PS3 menu to saved game loaded & playing). Haven't noticed any frame issues.
Team Fortress 2 is fun & there are always plenty of people playing. Lack of new updates kinda sucks, but that doesn't make it less fun- just not more fun.
And I prefer to read non-professional reviews too.In the future tryDestructoid.com, there reviews arefairly non-professional.
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