Infinity Ward are spending 24/7 on making Modern Warfare 2.Taking online FPSs to the next level.MW2 FTW! MW2 Will without a doubt win game of the year AGAIN and simple own BFBC2 and MAG.Zipper suck.I Mean look at socom confrontation. It was terrible and hade a massive bug at the start.fusionhunter
Zipper didn't make Confrontation it was slant six and the MAG Beta is amazing (So i've been told)
Well from what I hear, the Eagles already have a bunch of troublemakers on their team (dont ask me who, I dont know). I also heard that their fans are douchebags, and considered to be the nastiest fans in the NFL (not you specifically, I dont know you). So it seems as if he'll fit in quite nicely.
I hate the Eagles (Cowboys fan)...but you are dead wrong They are a high class, well run organization McNabb and Westbrook are class acts and team players But you are right about their fans reputation They cheered when Michael Irvin (Cowboy WR) got paralyzed on their field
Alright gotta cowboys fan in the house. Honestly i was never a Vick fan or a Falcons fan and i dont like the Eagles Either but cant wait to see Romo Vs Vick
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