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Mclovin02's forum posts
Movies Should Not Be Games? What about games like: Jumper (Good) Wanted (Good) Shreck (BAD) James Bond (Great) Star Wars (I don't like Star Wars) King Kong (Good) Harry Potter Series (Great) Lord of The Rings (Good, Not my Type) The Fast & The Furious (Great Type) The Matrix (1 & 2) (Great) Scar Face (Amazing) They were good, so you can't just say that, and it is also just your opinion it is not fact.Rollinryan13
also i think the jumper game was a disgrace to video games
Movies Should Not Be Games? What about games like: Jumper (Good) Wanted (Good) Shreck (BAD) James Bond (Great) Star Wars (I don't like Star Wars) King Kong (Good) Harry Potter Series (Great) Lord of The Rings (Good, Not my Type) The Fast & The Furious (Great Type) The Matrix (1 & 2) (Great) Scar Face (Amazing) They were good, so you can't just say that, and it is also just your opinion it is not fact.Rollinryan13
YOu dont like star wars?!
i have both an Xbox 360 and a PS3 and when I play COD on both the Xbox 360 remote just feels better the same goes for any FPS is their anyone who feels the same? I also wanted to say action games work and feel a lot better on PS3 than 360.
Ps3 controller is fine i dont like using the R1 button to shoot though rather use R2 Like on the orange box
No, I did not like the game as soon as I tried it and tried to like it, I could not, So i returned it and got my money back.Rollinryan13
I thought Haze was fun i might buy it
I don't think Bethesda is developing Fallout 4 are they? Also that's an awesome idea, I'd love to see it take place in Russia![QUOTE="SmokinDankNugz"][QUOTE="AtticusFinch88"]
Fallout 4 should take place in post-nuclear Russia. Plenty of iconic landmarks and well known places, mutated wolves and giant Grizzly bears etc. Plus the Chernobyl disaster is more than enough inspiration for Bethesda.
fallout 4 is New Vegas ......
Fallout 4 isn't New Vegas
God i hope this is fake i just spent around 500 dollars for my ps3 and games
guerilla said in an interview with gamer access that they are not done with the killzone franchise or the PS3
I don't know if you guys will be able to help me I really hope you can. In this game, you caught monsters and used them to fight against monsters in the 'wild'. As the events went on you got a truck thing that you could load monsters into and drive around. You had a nemesis who would show up from time to time and you would always beat. Its not Pokemon, so please don't say it is. It reminds me alot of another game that had a tower and you collected monster eggs and could hatch them for ps1. This game was for ps2 I believe. Thanks, Ryanryandebruyn
is it monster hunter
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