Mcrrcoker's forum posts
[QUOTE="nosferatu"][QUOTE="ItsBriskBaby"][QUOTE="nosferatu"][QUOTE="adders99"]ye its pretty much dead... there is no point in getting onewickedmind
Wow, so the Sony propaganda DOES work....
HD-DVD sales have actually been creeping back up on BluRay. This summer has seen a strong line of HD-DVD exclusives and the emergence of the $200 player with 5 discs. As a result of these 2, the last month or so has seen some pretty strong sales.
I actually think the HD-DVD format has more potential with its standard features. Just see the reviews for the latest big release on both platforms, 300. HD-DVD versions often have more bonus features (with the 300 PiP blue screen shots being lauded as one of the coolest and is impossible to do on BD) and typically get better reviews when a movie is available on both formats.
If nothing else, I've really enjoyed my player and have watched a ton of good movies on it that were exclusives (and even more on Tuesday when I grab Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz). For the price, especially with 5 movies, I think it's a great way to get your feet wet in HD movies.
impossible to do on BDLink!?
It's due to the standard features of an HD-DVD player vs a BluRay player. I can look it up for you if you really need it, but BluRays are incapable of doing the Picture in Picture stuff in the midst of the movie like an HD-DVD player can. I honestly think the HD-DVD format is the stronger of the 2, but I think the BD alliance of studios is probably stronger unfortunately. Theoretically, BluRay can hold more (with a theoretical limit of around 200gb, although as far as I know, nothing over 60gb or sohas actually been made). I'll go dig up some stats and stuff about the supposed technological"superiority" of BDthat you might find interesting, give me a few.
Quote from over at AVSforums
Disc Capacity:How do the two formats compare in data capacity?
62% of Blu-ray Disc titles utilize BD25, single layer discs. 25 GB of capacity.
82% of HD DVD titles utilize HD30, double layer discs. 30 GB of capacity.
Advantage -->HD DVD - Most HD DVDs are actually higher capacity than Blu-ray discs.
Video Codecs: - How advanced is the technology being used to encode the discs' video?
53% of Blu-ray Disc titles use MPEG2 video - a 1990's technology developed for ATSC broadcasts and DVD.
96% of HD DVD titles use AVC (MPEG4) and VC-1 video - 21st century technologies that provide better video quality in while requiring smaller file sizes, and less bandwidth.
Advantage -->HD DVD - It makes the most of its capacity through using advanced video codecs.
End Quote
As much as I hate the combo (HD-DVD and DVD on the same disc) discs, I think they are a good thing for those on the edge. They can buy their movie for about $5-$10 more than a standard DVD and then they are a mere $200 player away from having an HD experience too at some point. In addition, it makes your movies more shareable with friends that haven't gone HD.
The BD experience has been VERY inconsistent so far (partially as a result of Sony having still not set down a set of standards that all players must have). Go read reports on the Fifth Element and Pirates of the Carribean discs for examples. In addition, the BD group keeps touting the potential of their format, but hasn't really delivered much yet. HDDVD has delivered on most of their stuff (with Universal's collection of Spielberg movies being one of the serious gaps).
There is no difference in picture quality either way, and so I must go with the format which is delivering on its promises and is capable of the better bonus features and the winner of that is clearly HD-DVD.
If nothing else, it's a lot cheaper ;)
Excerpt from the 300 Review at HiDef Digest ( to describe the HDDVD features
"As if all of the above cross-format goodies were not enough, Warner has served up quite a treat for HD DVD fans with a cutting-edge assortment of high-def exclusives.
Easily the most anticipated bonus is the "Bluescreen Picture-in-Picture Version" of the film. A true first for any home video format, Warner has encoded the entire feature in its bluescreen, pre-post-produced version. Like your typical In-Movie Experience track, just activate the feature and a large picture box will appear in the bottom left of the screen, allowing you to watch the before-and-after versions of the film along with audio commentary by director Zack Snyder."
There are also web-enabled features and a game included in the package which, like the PiP feature, are only possible due to what Toshiba and the HDDVD group have dictated must be present in every HDDVD player.
im sold im going to buy the hd dvd addon for the 360 and get 5 free hd dvd movies thanks nosferatu for the info
Me too! Dude are u sure you don't work for Microsoft or anything cuz if your not they need to send you some royalties! HAHA You just got two customers right there!
My friends always sings while we play gears. I'm not sure why but he'll just bust out a song in the middle of the match.Ghost_702
i do the same thing mostly to annoy or distract. The weirdest thing i have heard was when i was playing halo 2 with these drunk guys and they would just say some of the dumbest stuff and they would crack up and I couldnt help but to start laughing too
[QUOTE="Agent_Kaliaver"][QUOTE="homer2001"]there isn't much to gears, face it covering and shooting for hundreds of hours will get old. Thats all it is, covering and shooting. It's solid, but it gets old. It was rated so high I think mainly due to the HOLY CRAP graphics (at the time of course, games are catching up)homer2001
And how is it that other shooters don't get boring? Halo = run and shoot (either kill or die). There isn't any change up within the game. You can take cover (kind of) and you can run and gun, but tell me how many times you have seen people sit in cover during a shotgun fight. If you ever play in Raven Down you will know that entire level is more or less a shotgun fest making it a giant run and gun match.
The big reason online got boring for me is that so many poeple quit and i can't stand lobby systems that are made that way. I like playing Player Matches with the lobby system, but hate having to manually find a game then play a 10 minute game and then manually doing the same thing and hoping people arn't playing gridlock......... Atleast in Halo 2 and 3 it is just random games and if you don't like it you can veto it (halo 3).
I've went back to the game and started playing Annex (player match because on ranked it is the worst gametype ever). It is fun, but i have lately bought more games (GH 2 and Forza 2) so my time has changed to playing those games.
lol whoever said halo was good? Shooters should be more like the Unreal series, and really I'm not big fan of FPS because like you said down to the core it's run and gun. FPS is a pretty shallow genre unless there are twists and turns like Unreal. Battlefield 2 was a good FPS too, but just the online system sucked so bad that... ugh don't wanna talk about it
whoever said halo was good? The millions of people who played and still do play halo 2 on live everyday! OH Sic Burn
My friend and I have had several all nighters. We normally set up the TVs near each other and just play all night with breaks for food, drink, narcotics. I'd say one of the longer of these sessions was with Oblivion when it first came out. We pretty much played for about 1.5 days straight. Prolly had a few little naps though, so maybe more like 24 hours.
OOH Narcotics your cool
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