Also, what exactly DID mario 64 do for 3D that hadn't already been done before?
I'm going to go a head and say it made 3d games good for a change. Yeah I think I'll stick with that.
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Also, what exactly DID mario 64 do for 3D that hadn't already been done before?
I'm going to go a head and say it made 3d games good for a change. Yeah I think I'll stick with that.
The Dev list looks TOO GOOD for Little kings story ( w/e its called)
To have that much talent under one roof, I expect like a Snes quality game. To me there is no better then Snes.
Hmm I haven't beat Prime and I have beat BioShock, only watched someone play Stalker.
Well Bioshock had easier game-play and a lot more up front story, I found very little back story and or relevant story through the tapes, most of it was suprising at the start, then borderline comatose at the end. Metorid I have reached the drifts so far and despite playing it almost 7 years later then it was realeased it has wow'd me visually and in its unique game-play. Although my computer can run bioshock at max settings Direct-X 9 style the starting scene is all that hit me as " This has never been done before :O!
Bioshocks bosses are little to irrelevant, I was not once ever threatened by anything in Bioshock because I could just revive at a tank if I died, little to now penalty was there. The few times I might have lost a girl because she ran to a hole in the wall I just booted an auto save.Metroid did take me a while to get into, its not an FPS like I was told by a pretty self proclaimed gamer. Its an exploration game with massive worlds, some thing Bioshock lacked to me. Where in Metroid it seemed like I could often go 5 or 6 ways, Bioshock gave me 1 right way and 2 or 3 find loot ways. They were always obvious and rarely held story elements. Where Bioshock had the tapes Metroid had the ruins and the world seemed more alive to me then Bioshocks, like there was history to the world.
Stalker I say from what I have seen played could contest Metroid Prime, but the people sayin Bioshock I think got wound up in hype, Bioshock was a pretty liner * suprising twist * then liner again. There really was only one large surprise also. " Was a man sent to kill? or a slave? " good scene but doesn't make up for the lack of everything else. Plus the final boss * which you could die on* was pretty sad, he reminded me of the 2 warlocks from the Time temple in the desert in LoZ:Oot.
Stalker is pretty amazing and I think I'll go *Pick it up* when ever I finish Prime. Yeah Bioshock SoC they really werent deep and involving games. They were cool with giant bosses or there creative enviroments but go here do this kind of games are kind of FF1 style dont ya think?
I honestly cannot believe everyone has failed to read the artical correctly, save 3 people.
It takes 2 to 3 years to make a Zelda mario MGS Halo GT or Metroid.
This does not mean as soon as the said this the began working or stopped working on current core title new IPs or old, this means it takes them 2- 3 years to make a Core game. It means it took 2-3 years to make Mario Galxy and SSBB and guess what both were probably in the makings at the release or Wii or before.
I would gather they already started on a few eh? Lets not play the blind man though, if they had a great new game to show I would imagine it would have appeared at E3 even though the admitted that showing was a giant public failure.
I hold my hopes for E for all, yet I don't expect anything ground breaking this year, we already have Mario Kart and its good and we already have SSBB which is awesome.
Yes Green Hood man please attack my gaming tastes not only have a I put tens of thousands of hours into gaming, I have a good variety of all genres and consoles under my belt. The question you need to ask your self is Do you feel lucky? Well do ya?
Hmm well I wouldn't really have an opinion if I hadnt played Resident evil Umbrela cronicals recently, but I did.
No offence people sayin 360 controller ( Lol Dual shock pickers) but if you think you could honeslty do that with a controller your crazy... Damn crazy.
Also although MP3 didnt need the faster reaction timing nor did RE4, I still enjoyed them more with a Wiimote then MP or RE4 on GC.
Ive played all the NG games released on the consoles thus far, and while it is fun, it is still just as Hack and Slash Repitive as DMC is. People act like its leaps and bounds better when it actually isnt.
Not only have I played NG: Black DMC 1 and 3 and GoW 1 & 2, but I have also come to the conclusion that this is what those games comepare to in hardness.
NG:Black on hardest difficulty is like Lifeforce on the Nes. Which means to beat it you have to lie to yourself.
GoW is like Powerblade avoid the spikes and traps and every boss or monster in the game involves a turbo controler with the A button pressed. Its so stupidly easy it failed to get Mickey Mouse Video game as its relation.
DMC 4, not 3 or 1 I liked those. Is like Zelda 2...... A bad game.
SNES. It has Illusion of Gaia, and that's enough for me. Plus, it has super many great classics.OniStrat
I knew I was drawing blank in that genre. Listing Evermore and Mana and then terranigma, I was so confused what I was forgetting. Still never beat that game, that end boss is just to friggin hard >
Which System would you rather have with all of its games (From the Future or Past ) If you could only have one. List the games that made you pick it over the others.
I will have to go with SNES
- Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Terranigma, LoZLttP, Earthbound, FF6, Battle Cars( Eh anyone remember this one?), Mega Man soccer, Breath of fire 1 and 2, Brainlord( Hard impossible Loved it) Lagoon, FF Mystic Quest ( Music!) Sky blazer ( Ha Ha To To!)
My runner up was PS1
Yes I did consider PC as a console, and yes I would way rather have a PS1 or Snes over either. I did not consider VC or Back wards compatibility, or PS3 and Wii would easily replace SNES and PS1.
Whoa, hate is just spilling from this post. You meadcheese are the fanboy, definitely. Everything you HATE the PS3 for is all matter of opinion and short term BS. You mention games that are on 360 and Wii and compare them with PS3 games. You forget that COD4 is a multiplat, that game is better than both Halo (overhyped & boring) and Gears (overhyped & stupid). There is a casual magnet (eventually) Little Big Planet, and even without that the PSN has plenty of casual games. Gran Turismo will be coming out. And who gives a flying rats about party games!?Nintendo has nothing that interests me besides SSBB, and I am not buying one for that. It is incredible with how stupid you sound, totally idiotic you are.
I play CoD4 on my PC, the 360 has jack I want either, yet it still is the best console to pick if you dont have a PC, you still dont get that the Wii is the only thing like the Wii. For better or worse.
Hate or not you think the PS3 is a good buy? Your crazy plain and simple. If am a Fanboy I gladly assume the role of a guy who thinks the Wii and PC are a clear pick, if there was no Wii this gen I would only have a PC, what can a 360 and PS3 offer a man with a PC? Nothing and you know it.
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