Okay so most of us have seen OUR THE Tidus22 fail epically over and over, but this is where I draw the line. His list was so made of fail I will have to write my own. Not only will I write my own but I will write one for every console that I think is worthy of an RPG top 10 list.!!
Sadly never owning a PS2 and being to stubborn to give up my GC for the better console. I cannot and will not make a PS2 list, I can only from my hand make a well made SNES and PS1 list. Also I don't play many RPG's on PC. Many say Oblivion was a great game, think about this I beat the D.brother hood, thief chain, mage chain, warrior chain, Gladiator chain, and Main story until it bugged out on the siege of that snowy town ( Cheydenhal maybe : / well w/e it was) all well staying at level 2. That isn't what I would call a good game, still a very good game to mess around in though, Fallout though! Now that is a game! What was that sweet perk Splatter house? That made everyone die in the most horrible way XD to awesome! Nes doesn't need a list its all good.
Lets start with the grand champ of all console gaming SUPER F***ing Nintendo!
1. Chrono trigger - Its the best RPG that has been made to date, its only competition is whats in number 2.
2. Final Fantasy 3/6 - If you think FF7 needed a movie and not FF6? Your a fanboy! This story is so damn good and Kefka is so damn badass, its not even funny!
3. Earth Bound/ Secret of mana 3/Seiken Densetsu 3 - This game is so damn good it is 1st on my list. Nothing will replace it! RUNAWAY 5!!! This game is soo good it has its own Rap song, and its pretty damn good, and I don't even like rap. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01424/ SM3 was very well made, as far as I know there wasnt a SM2 realease or I have never heard of one. But it doesnt matter Sm3 takes enough names and kicks enough @$$ for SM2 and SM3 Personally >.> I liked the Amazon chich I liked the way her classes turned out and I always took the paladin as a side charecter along with the super evil warlock mage chich :D. Also if you didnt know >.> if you turn on your first back ground filter and there is a sleeping person near you, it will see under the blankets and show you a nude avatar * Shh* i didnt tell you ^^
4. Secret of Mana - Cannons! Crazy little dwarfs! Upgradable weapons! Multiplayer! This game had all that and case of Balls.
5. Secret of Evermore/Star ocean - Your dog eats face. You could cast like a million things at once. It had great tunes. It had Bazookas. It had more then you needed, but still kept giving! I dont have the will in me to remove Secret of Evermore but after long and hard convincing the light has been brought to my eyes that starocean is as great if not great then secret of evermore. Sadly I had to wait for the rom version to be able to play it :(
6. Terranigma - A rare game, in fact it never hit the states as far as I know, so what your gonna wanna do is find "other" means to play this very awesome game.
7. Breath of Fire 2 - Many say 1 is a better game, but I think the speed and a combat revamp was all that game needed, and in Breath of fire 2 it got exactly that.
8. Final Fantasy 2/4 - I had a crush on Rydia, that probably the only reason this makes the list for me. That and Kain was a dragoon, and dragoons are badass. Cecile was a winine emo dark knight then a courageous yet flaming paladin lose and lose for him am afraid.
9. Super mario RPG -= It could be higher, but it was a bit easy for any RPG's standards. Between frogofushous and other sweet charecters (Axem rangers, Smithy, Jeno, Mario, No luigi *wink*) this game had more then enough to make any list in and SNES genre.. Well one involving Mario or RPG's XD.
10.Illusions of Gaia - It shouldn't be so low on the list, but lets face it. IT WAS HARD, like battletoads hard, if you were a kid without a dad who played games you made it to the pyramid and no further. If you did manage to beat this game all on your own, even back before the days of the Internet guides. My hats of to you sir! ( Was it me or was the Russian roulette glass always in the middle?)
PS1 The 2nd in command has some very fine titles LOOK IT OVER!
1. Suikoden 2 - Don't challenge this its the best, and always will be the best on the system, with loadable date to get MCdaol in your party so he can soul eater the hell out of your enemies how could this be bad, which brings me to #2!
2. Suikoden - You get a dragons castle as your own after you melt his face, then you gather and army and take over your country! After all this you just take your bag and best friend and walk right into Suikoden 2! If thats not epic enough then play S2 and have one of the best female leads ever to be in a game in your party, EVER! ( Better then that sk**k arisis ).
3. Legend of Mana - Unleashing giant movies that had sweet effects with a creat your own map and so many side quests it would make even a vertern gamer tired to do them all this game rocked! Giant talking mountains and trees also make everything better!
4. FF7 - You know why this game is here? Of course you do! Among sweet characters like Barret Cid and Tifa, You had some really terrible ones. Caitsith >.> am looking at you buddie. On top of the great characters though this game had some awesome stuff like a **** load of FMV which kicked ass at the time, but now is kinda boring, you had FULL 3d BATTLES! AND SWEET KICK ASS LIMITE BREAKS!. The main reason i put this here is for one sole reason, its on PC and has been remade with better Graphix and sound and its soooooo much sweeter.
5. Breath of Fire 3 - You got to tell fairys to go out and hunt and kill animals, this in my head is a thing of greatness. Don't question the game either setting out on a mission to inevitbly kill *Blank* just like the other Breath of fires is sweet! For those that understand *Blank* dont ruin it for the non players. Also Turning into a dragon once again is freaking awesome.
6.Thousand Arms - Date chicks to make better weapons... The real world isnt even that cool. Unique combat system and great sotry to.
7. Sage frontier - Massive combos fastest paced battle system ever, learning new movies 7 independent stories 6 of which are great. ( Slaps Riki) Now many side Characters don't get honorable mention in my posts but Gen is the Mother F***ing man! If you don't know Gen you don't know Sh**. To bad Sage frontier 2 Sucked so much beaner.
8. Valkyrie Profile -= Yes this game slipped my mind, but thats cause my burned copy didnt let me finish the game *angry*, It had great combat and an intresting charecter building system where you would send your newly invited Aesire ( I think) To fight for Odin in the war to end all wars Ragnorok ( Armafukinggeddon man!) It had very nice style to the game to you flew around listened for voice and collected sweet weapons and either kept them for your self or gave them to Odin :D Either way this game had bounds for a squel written all over it, it got one who knew :0!
9. Star ocean - 250 level, Infinite Dungeon or so it might have seemed to people.( It was just really deep) and a boss that would eat you alive if you weren't hella good! Plus 40 + endings. Needed multiplayer.
10. Tales of Destiny - Multi-player up 4 people, Sweet tower of Druga, Cool characters and 80+ hours of game, cool spells and skills to boot!
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