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MegaMAN1121 Blog

Meet Pokemon Diamond NEWEST Champion

Yep that right, I finally beat Pokemon Diamond. Took me 62 hours but I finally did it. I was surprise with my battle with the champ battle. Her garchomp almost kill my Flotzel, but luckily I was armed with ice beam. Nuff said.

After beating it I did some after game stuff. Like finally getting the national Pokedex, finally got energy ball, etc. I went over to the battle tower and try out the wifi room. Where you get to fight player and there different teams. There some cheaters out there because they use lederary. But I try and make it to the top.

One last thing: This is a URGENT message to a user name Clefairy 2000. My team is hall of famers. So you know that mean. It time we have our wifi battle. Pm me when your ready. But BEWARE. I defeat the champ Gachomp in TWO HITS. (OOOOOO)

So yeah if anyone wants to have a battle with me my friend code is


Just in case you forgot it. PM me when you want a battle

This is MegaMAN 1121



Happy June everyone Also some IMPORTANT news

What up Gamespot, It me MegaMAN1121. Happy June for thoes who are in grade school. We only need one more mouth.

I just want to let you know from the gecko that I might be so active to the end of this mouth. My first Regrets is coming up and I have to study like CRAZY (what worsrt is that I HATE STUDY) I rather play ET then study. But yeah wish me luck.

So for now here MegaMAN 1121


I'm back and Happy Meromial Day


What up Gamespot, I just came back from Canada. Had so much fun too.

So first thing first. The ride LONG. I spend most of the time playing on my DS. Manage to catch a Diaga. Although I use a master ball because I forgot to buy ultra balls (sorry I didn't knew he was up) so back to Canada

I came late at 1: oo am on Friday so I just ate and sleep. Nothing interesting

Saturday I play some baseball and went to the pool. My cousin threw me to the pool with my cloths on. I was mad at him.

Sunday I went to some church thing for my cousin and his father then we went to a restrerant it celebrates. The best part was when me and my sister and my cousin and my sister boyfriend play Taboo. We laugh so hard. It a very fun game (Taboo is not a video game just to let you know)

And here I am on Monday. Thank god I had no school. Just a warming if you ever go to KFC. NEVER buy Fiery Buffalo. Trust me

Finally as gaming going. I almost beat Pokemon Diamond. Yes I finally made it to the Elite Four. It just it SO hard. I can handle the first 3 okay. But that psychic guy kills my whole team. I don't get how psychic can kill almost my whole team.

I made to the champion one or two times. I manage to go as far as her Lucario. Just like my fight with Mayalene (3rd gym leader) it just to FAST. I have no idea how I'm goanna deal with her Garchomp (All I have against it is Flozelt) I taught it ice beam.

So yeah that pretty much all. Sorry it a lot of texts. I had a lot to say. If any of you guys know a good place to train leave a comment.

Finally this is MegaMAN1121 Saying



Peace out I'm goning to canada

Yep I mean it, tommorow I'm going to lava canada. What so cool about it is that since memorial day is monday I got to stay there longer. So I can't wait. My cosin has a pool and I really need a dip in there. I haven't been to a pool for 2 years.

The bes part is I be back there sometime in july too. I still be bloging from my cosin house. But I can't guritee it.

Anyway if I don't see you guys

This is MegaMAN121

Signing Out

Today was probally the worst day EVER (I mean it)

I sometimes feel like my life sucks. One reason is because I don't get a lot of comments for my blogs. But one problem at a time.

See I had a few problems today for playing videos games todaay. For one, I was suppose to go to therpist today (embassing) so me and mom fought about it making me miss 1st period to resovle it.

Then at the last minute I have a manulate student concil meeting to go to. So yeah I miss the WHOLE Muti meeting. I was so annoy. Till I saw that beutiful wii working in the classroom.

I ask the multi media teacher if I can play and she said in 20 minutes. So ueah we waited for 20 minutes and guess what. Yeah I didn't get to play. My stupid pricipal kick us out before we even got a chace. She very strict about kids in school after dimissing. I got SO mad after that.

Caue yeah I won't get to play a wii to ever. Then my stupid prical kill my joy with a gun

So yeah I just want to let you guys know. I HAVE THE WORST LIFE EVER

Also please comment it make me feel better for what you say

so anyway


Tommorow I get to play video games at school

Yeah you hear right. tommorow is the first multimedia meeting. Where everyone can bring any games they want. Well not EVERY. They won't allow M rated games. Just EC-T. So yeah that mean no mortal kombat.

Remember to comment and also remember that I be out to canada this weekend. I still be blogging but yeah it be a diffrent setting

So yeah here MegaMAN1121


We can rate comments cool

I just found out that now we cab rate each other comments. Although I don't get how eah comments are better then each other but. Eh it a update suppose to make things better.

Check out my new Tranier Card

So since I'm a member of the Pokemon Union. They made this Pokemon Trainer card. Yes that my team. So you finally know what I'm gonna use on wifi. Except that Lopunny I just thought she was cute


So speaking of Pokemon I just need ONE MORE BADGE. Also I can't get Roserade Energy ball cause I need to beat the game first and I CAN'T find rain dance. Anyone know where it is

 Also I want to let you guys know from the gecko that in two weeks I'm going to canada. So by sometime on May 25 I be out of town. (IN A POOL YES)

So finaaly this is MegaMAN1121


My Budew finally evole

Yep I finally did it.

My Budew




Evole to a Roselia


Image:Pokemon Roselia.png




I just want you guys to learn to never give up on evoleing a Pokemon. Next up is Lucario pre evole form.


So on a side note I just got 5 badges and the Safari zone SUCK. Why will they put mud. This make me never to go there again. And now I'm gonna head to the Iron Moutain to finally get Lucario pre evole form and a shiny stone.


This is MegaMAN1121



April 29 07, My Life ****

So that wrap up another weekend. I play a WHOLE LOT of Pokemon Diamond (gotta play crazy and beat people online) So far got some strong pokemon but I still can't evole my Budew. It hard making pokemon love you. Although I have to try to evole it so I can do the same with Lucario pre evolve form.

Anyway the reason my life suck cause I really want to go to india with my father for a race but my dumbass regrests are the day before. Not only that I can't go and now I have to study the whole weekend.


I never gonna live this down. I was reall looking foward to it

(P.S Excuse my Laugures)