Pre-order completed, such a sucker for this crap. They feed on my inability to not prevent myself from buying these things. Hoping Mega Man X Legacy collection leads to Mega Man X9
@skot_free: I don't think sale numbers alone crown a system. Ps3 and Xbox 360 had more enjoyable games (to me) than the Wii. I personally found Xbox 360's online network was better, as well as cross platform games ran and looked better on the 360. I enjoyed my Ps3, but definitely played a lot more Xbox 360 than my Ps3 and Wii combined. The fact Ps3 couldn't do party chat was a bummer too.
@xenoriddley: X to X4 are the real highlights for me. I do enjoy X5 a fair bit and I "like" X6. Mega Man X7 was a weird turning point for the series, but I did enjoy X8 quite a bit. I can't say I hate X7, I still enjoyed it, but it was for sure the weakest of the series. I am crossing my fingers for an X9 if the legacy collection sells well!
Really looking forward to this. I just wish it was coming sooner than July! Will probably purchase for Xbox & Switch. I am guessing that Mega Man X3 this time around is the SNES version and not the Saturn one like in the older collection for Ps2 & GC.
Hopefully some more info will be released on Mega Man 11! Looking forward to playing that too when it is released!
@zeca04: I hear you. I have so many games sitting unopened, but not enough time to play them. I just need a long weekend where I can crush through a game or two.
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