Mehfuz Blog
Game playing now - 10/4/07
by Mehfuz on Comments
by Mehfuz on Comments
BioShock - waiting for this game for long time and tracking from the begining. so what a gamer wants from this gem - biological shock - and it's going to a hell of a shock but in a good way. it's already rocks the gaming world, currently in the 1st place in Gamerankings top game list with 99%,
i know it will go down evantually but it will give a good fight for 1st place with Zelda: ocarina of time , which got 97.7%. i am waiting to see what Bioshock get from GS, with the introduction of new review system's rating (which i hate) it's not possible to get a score between 9.5 and 10 and i guess GS is not giving it 10. and one thing i am going to play this game on 360. many of u know my PC won't run bioshock properly and i found a gaming place near my home. so i am going to spent some hours playing BS. just one more thing, i am at the last stage in The Darkness, it will be the first game i finished on 360
Xbox Gamer Card
by Mehfuz on Comments
Box Shots @
by Mehfuz on Comments
People who still don't know that you can submit box shots on Gamefaqs - this blog is for them. before this you could use this thread to submit missing game,boxshots - this topic is still active so this is one way to submit boxshots, but you won't get any credit for that.
so you want credit and have lots of games - just scan those and submit to gamefaqs - you can submit front,back cover, spine and top image. to check how this works click on this image
here are the rules you need to follow
so why wait - start submitting images - you can also submit image from other sites that doesn't have any watermarks
PSP lite
by Mehfuz on Comments
Game with weird name #7 - #6 - #5 and #4
by Mehfuz on Comments
#4 - The Terrific Menace of the Invaders from Audiogalaxy
This is a free flash game but on quality it's way better than any free games out on the web - It's an adventure game and i am sure you will love it - just search GS and download
#5 - Neighbors From Hell
this is actually a tv show and there is no connection between hell and with ur neighbor - ur duity in this game is to scare the hell out him by doing some bizarre tricks. though this game is really short but unique and deserves to be in this list
#6- I Was an Atomic Mutant!
This is a movie based game - in this game you will play as a monster and ur goal is to destroy everything
#7 - Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death
This is name isn't that weird but sounds really funny - this is a comic book game and you play as the jugde who tries to clean up the street of mega city one
Game With Weird Name #9 and #8
by Mehfuz on Comments
Here is number #9 and #8
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
This is a really old game, released back in 1995. It's an Adventure game that use interactive images. Gamespot underrated this game as usual they do to most of the adventure games.
You Are Empty
This game is not released yet, but it's on my tracked since i seen it first time - You are empty is a FPS with post WW2 history blend in it. You will fight against mutant supercommunists!
Game With Weird Name #10
by Mehfuz on Comments
I am making a top 10 list for gamefaqs and this is the number 10
Butt Ugly Martians: Zoom or Doom!This name doesn't give a clue! it's a racing game with twists - check some screenshots
This game is about butt ugly, they are martians. Three butt uglies invade earth in this game with the intentiin to capture earth, but they fall in love with this planet and instead of destryoing they defend earth against invading aliens. You can play this game from two different perspectives - as a martian or one of the bad guys they have to overcome.
Now playing - 6/25/2007
by Mehfuz on Comments
Also i am addicted to Nibiru - a adventure game for PC, this is not a highly rated or popular title but i found this game quite good and played for 2 hours yesterday when a bug crashed the game. I am hoping to play couple of hours today and finish this game as quickly as possible because next week i have a exam and i want to finish both Daxter and Nibiru before that.
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