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#1 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

Most great games aren't made by any one thing. Mass Effect is great due to having both a really good story and intriguing and fun gameplay. If the gameplay sucked I wouldn't like the game, and if the story was terrible it wouldd be a bad TPS. Having both makes it great

ME1 has a better story than ME2, ME2 has better gameplay.Agent-Zero


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#2 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

It's a 77 on Metacritic atm. I think Gamespot was faaaar to harsh (from other teviews and the demo) and IGN was a bit too glowing. I actually prefer IGN's review. But the point, Gamespot screwed the pooch here and were waaay too harsh. There have been some other mediocre reviews (some 7.5's and etc) but nobody has been so downright negative about the game. Reviews are afterall just one guy's opinion, so I think it's far more useful to look at a conglomerate of opinions like metacritic.

SSo yes, IGn was probably too lax in their review, and 9.0 is too high. But there is NO WAY this game is a 6.5.

I also find it funny that a few days ago, it was 86 in metacritic, and now it's dropped 9 points down to 77 xD But 77 is still pretty damn solid.

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#3 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

After MW 2, the only way that Im getting CoD Black Ops is if the make a campaign that makes sense and feels fullfilling at its end and if they basically shelve everything that MW 2 did for multiplayer and get back to CoD 2/CoD 4 type multiplayer! NemeSyS-1

Well its a different dev then CoD4 and CoD2 MP so I dunno whether that'll be. Still... WaW MP was even closer to CoD4 MP then MW2 (MW2 shares some guns, but WaW literally had the exact same system in every way, just different setting). However, as Treyarch copied Infinity Ward's success with WaW (in the process making, imo, quite a good game), I think Treyarch will try to stay faithful to the latest super successful game, MW2. That being said, Treyach should hopefully have the sense to at least do basic stuff that basically every1 agrees on, removing noob toobs, stuff like commando, etc. But I kinda doubt treyarch will make major changes to make the MP actually play less, they will probably just make minor tweaks.

And I dunno whether that's bad or good. I absolutely love MW2 MP, i'm on my 3rd prestige. i also sometimes despise it after i die 3 times in various cheap ways. it all depends on whether or not they somehow make certain deaths feel less "cheap" which is tricky

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#4 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

Wait for SC2? That might not be very helpful, but honestly, in a bit over a month the sequel to the best selling and most popular RTS ever is coming out, Starcraft 2 really I think will be the pinnacle of RTS gaming. if you disliked the first, obviously there's little chance you'll like SC2, but I can't suggest another RTS with it being so close to release.

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#5 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

How much will my computer struggle with MLB 2k10? My computer isn't so great. (Tell me if I'm missing any info, I'm not used to listing my specs)

Intel (R) Core TM2 Duo CPU T7250 @2.00 GHz

Memory: 4.00 GB

Geforce 8600M

sigmatel highdef auio codec

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#6 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

I saw that MLB2k10 was on sale at steam for 23 bucks, pretty reasonable. I was thinking about buying it for the PC, but had some questions.

I also have a 360, but wanted to get it on PC because I am going away this summer, and won't always have internet (but I will have my laptop). Is there any wacky DRM that prevents me from playing Career mode offline? Because Career modde is the main reason I'm interested in the game, it looks like a lot of fun.

What bugs are major problems? looking at the GS review, the factthat Online play sucks is fine, if I have internet I'll probably play other games. I'm not going to hook a gamepad up to it, so I'm fine with gamepads not working. Are there any other major bugs that seriously hamper play?

Mostly just is there any DRM or etc that would prevent me from playing Career mode offline?

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#7 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

Borderlands 2 isn't yet in the works.

In terms of rare weapons, I am pretty sure that certain types of weapons don't drop more commonly in specific places. Well, to an extend. Red weapon chests are simply affected by level, different ones don't have higher chances to drop different loot.

Mostly, go for the Silver, and even better, Red, weapons chests. There are a few skag/dung piles that have better loot drops (right by the middle of nowhere and in the Entrance to Earl's Scrapyard nearly always drop a Grenade or Class Mod, if you want I can explain in detail where they are).

New Haven used to be THE PLACE for loot, with 3 silver and 2 red chests in town. However, they nerfed it. If you're finishing the first or second playthrough, look up how to farm Crimson fastness, it's easy to farm 5-6 red chests in a few minutes. You can look it up if you want. That's best if your level 50, farming the top gear in the main game.

If you bought General Knoxx DLC, i can't help you much, because I have the DLC, but I spent more time getting gear before the DLC, havnt done much after (no scaling for the main game and no fast travel for the DLC kills the lategame)

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#8 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

Or has everyone migrated to ODST?


ODST uses the same MP as Halo 3, the MP component of ODST was effectively a large map pack iff you already had halo 3 (I didn't have Halo 3 so I got the full MP along with ODST, pretty nice). So no, people still play halo 3. Not quite the same numbers, but still hundreds of thousands online at any given time, which is near the top for any online game.

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#9 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts

I've found that very often, I am unable to join a friends party, and they are unable to join mine, it always says "Unable to connect to XBL party" or something like that. Also, sometimes I just can't join someones game. It's very peculiar, sometimes me and person A can't join each other's games, but if person C invites us both we can join person C game. I tried hosting a private match for MW2 inviting people for qscoping, and some could join my game, and others couldn't (same thing where when I tried to join the game and party of somebody who couldn't join mine, i couldn't join theirs either).

Is it completely random that XBL just sometimes stops working? Or is there a problem with my internet? Becuase it's kinda annoying how frequently the program just doens't work...

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#10 MellowMighty
Member since 2008 • 691 Posts


I guess it's ok to make a topic (although it's pointless) if you at least say WHY you're stopping playing MW2, but just sayingthat you are isn't reason for a topic.

This isn't Twitter, we dont need to be updated on your every move in life.