@blackfire i agree with u, as i said above i have 200+ games. once gaming becomes digital i will stop gaming and move on to something else or ill just play my old games. the way i, and most people look at it is like this. when i buy a used game im only buying it because its cheap and usually for trophys. i really aint buying it because i must have it im only buying it because it doesnt cost much. therefore if it was a digital game that i had to pay for full price i simply just would not even buy it at all because its not important to me. i think everyone feels that way as well. so the gaming companys may say well were losing money on used game sales, but they arent because the games people buy used they most likely wouldnt of bought if they were full price. if someone wants a game they buy it new. and if the game is still recently released people usually buy the game new instead of used anyways because they only save 5 dollars buying it used. also gaming companys arent losing money at all like they say they are, as well as car companys and etc i learned a long time ago when they say they have a loss in sales, its not a loss in sales, in the business world it means that they did not make as much profit as last year, or they did not make as much profit as they estimated. they always always always make profit on almost everything they do and make. so there trying to make us feel bad by wording it in a way that it seems like there losing money when in fact there still gaining millions. capcom was one of the people who said they were losing money yet still had something like 300 million in profits the one year, but they said they didnt make money because the year before they made 600 million, get what i mean. there lying straight up they are just becoming over greedy like everyone else in this world
@blackfire i agree with u, as i said above i have 200+ games. once gaming becomes digital i will stop gaming and move on to something else or ill just play my old games. the way i, and most people look at it is like this. when i buy a used game im only buying it because its cheap and usually for trophys. i really aint buying it because i must have it im only buying it because it doesnt cost much. therefore if it was a digital game that i had to pay for full price i simply just would not even buy it at all because its not important to me. i think everyone feels that way as well. so the gaming companys may say well were losing money on used game sales, but they arent because the games people buy used they most likely wouldnt of bought if they were full price. if someone wants a game they buy it new. and if the game is still recently released people usually buy the game new instead of used anyways because they only save 5 dollars buying it used. also gaming companys arent losing money at all like they say they are, as well as car companys and etc i learned a long time ago when they say they have a loss in sales, its not a loss in sales, in the business world it means that they did not make as much profit as last year, or they did not make as much profit as they estimated. they always always always make profit on almost everything they do and make. so there trying to make us feel bad by wording it in a way that it seems like there losing money when in fact there still gaining millions. capcom was one of the people who said they were losing money yet still had something like 300 million in profits the one year, but they said they didnt make money because the year before they made 600 million, get what i mean. there lying straight up they are just becoming over greedy like everyone else in this world
@blackfire i agree with u, as i said above i have 200+ games. once gaming becomes digital i will stop gaming and move on to something else or ill just play my old games. the way i, and most people look at it is like this. when i buy a used game im only buying it because its cheap and usually for trophys. i really aint buying it because i must have it im only buying it because it doesnt cost much. therefore if it was a digital game that i had to pay for full price i simply just would not even buy it at all because its not important to me. i think everyone feels that way as well. so the gaming companys may say well were losing money on used game sales, but they arent because the games people buy used they most likely wouldnt of bought if they were full price. if someone wants a game they buy it new. and if the game is still recently released people usually buy the game new instead of used anyways because they only save 5 dollars buying it used. also gaming companys arent losing money at all like they say they are, as well as car companys and etc i learned a long time ago when they say they have a loss in sales, its not a loss in sales, in the business world it means that they did not make as much profit as last year, or they did not make as much profit as they estimated. they always always always make profit on almost everything they do and make. so there trying to make us feel bad by wording it in a way that it seems like there losing money when in fact there still gaining millions. capcom was one of the people who said they were losing money yet still had something like 300 million in profits the one year, but they said they didnt make money because the year before they made 600 million, get what i mean. there lying straight up they are just becoming over greedy like everyone else in this world
i currently own last time i checked 201 games and am around 210-215 now on ps3 so ive had alot of time to evaluate alot of games from big budget to small budget and the gaming industry is going down the drain bigtime. the ps3 generation is great but whatever is coming next i think gamers are going to be so fed up with bullshit these companies are pulling that they will simply just stop gaming or limit themselves to one or 2 games. most of my friends play one game and thats it now.
with things like online passes you have to pay for there milking the customers and making there own games dead. for example need for speed high stakes you buy a online pass for that game and no one is playing it. the walking dead said if you buy the season pass youll get a new episode each month but instead they took our money and we had to wait a entire year to get them all because what they didnt tell us was the game wasnt even finished yet they released it in mid production. dead island had a save file glitch that effected thousands of people form losing 100s of hours into there game, they knew the glitch was there yet they still released the game. bioshock 2 had a map pack that was coded so horrible that its impossible to select it after you buy it which makes it a completely useless dlc pack that is unplayable. also if games dont make enough money they dont fix there broke game like twisted metal you cant even connect to a game on there and there trophys are broke and the game was abandoned.
also as the article has said theres a line between having fun and the game being to real. lets take battlefield for example, the past bf games had dedicated players who played the game 5 years after it was made. now the game has become over realistic and people trade the game in within the first month they got it. its great for a few gamers who love hardcore modes and challenges. but the game was to realistic and with the weapon lag you die before you get shot, and the guns have so much recoil you cant kill someone across the street from you with 400 rounds yet you die with one bullet. now this might be fun for some, but the average gamer doesnt want to play a game and be pissed off there going to simply sell the game. as you can tell with bf3 premium not many people bought it seeing how empty the maps are sometimes. you gotta realise kids still play the games, there not as good as someone who is older. some of us have school, some of us have work.
gaming is trying to go digital, yet they cap our speeds as it is, the ps store is slow as heck. its all a way for them to milk more money out of us. if they become to greedy like they already are becoming they may just end up with a completely dead gaming industry. i cant see anyone dealing with the next generation of consoles that is digital downloads only. the economy is way to poor right now to afford anymore milking in the gaming industry
@kingoflife9 yah think of it like a kinda low budget fallout, its a big open world shooter but with the quality youd see from the games in the 10$ bin after a year
@Dazler1 you think thats bad i have 201 games and im no where near finishing any of them lmao, i play a game for a day then i always go to something else and say ill get back to the other one but in th end i always stick with the game that is the most fun. i have games unopened i havent tried. hopefully ps3 goes strong after ps4 comes out and still has online support because i got enough games to keep me busy the rest of my life
can someone who hated farcry2 give me a abusive review of this game? i tend to look for the bad things in games rather then the good so i know if a game is going to be fun or just straight up irratating. farcry2 had some of the worst problems, like walking walking walking and more walking. find a vehicle, and another vehicle comes and blows it up and then your walking again for another 15 minutes. is this game as bad as part 2?? walking is fun in games like skyrim when you can pick up tons of cool items, but when your in farcry all your doing is walking through bushes not being able to see anything. also there was glitched trophys for farcry2 that ubi never fixed, i dont think they even made one patch ever for the game lol. that kind of bothers me when a company doesnt give any future support. but from what i saw the videos looked like this game was tons more funner and closer to a dead island open area and a bit updated graphics but i could be wrong. opinions anyone???
sony has the absolute worst layouts ever they keep complaining about losing money its prob because nobody can fucking find anything. they dont even have the games in category anymore there just all in one page and take forever to load.
if you think this is bad TRY TWISTED METAL it will overheat your ps3 and has literally YLOD players so i guess add it to the list of games that are sold broken and never fixed.
MelodicMizery's comments