first off i dont know if you can sell your ds if the screen broke, second off, Pokemon is awesome and easy to pick up and play, you dont need to use the touch screen oh so much exept for minigames and such, hope that helps
Id actually suggest the ds since you have a 360, the wii is more like a fun-nonserouis game console right now, the DS has fun little games and serouis sweet games and its very sweet to have something to play for 30min or 12 hours :P and wifi works great and theres endless amount of awesome games, me and my sister have a wii and a ds and we like the ds better ATM, the wii will have some great games coming out but by the time the awesome awesome games come out you will probably have the money, all in all the DS is better for you becuase you have a 360! :D hope that helps
Id say keep it becuase someday a awesome game might come out and you wont have a ds to get it :) my point is youll probobly want to play it again sometime :) thanks for saying were nice even though im not very known :D haha
WEll i dont know what your talking about but im Pissed that they are spending time and money on making these little gay games when the could make like a freaking new pikmin!
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