This could be pretty good if they play to the series strengths and create a movie that is either about real racing or shows the technical side of cars and racing, unlike the popcorn-fest Fast and Furious type of film.
@jayjay444 My downloads are at least as fast on PSN, if not faster.
The only time I've been disconnected much is on EA games, which require you to log in to EA, but that has happened on 360 the same amount. I've had 360 games freeze more.
Not sure what you mean by slow updates. Updates come when needed and install quickly, but now with PS+ I never ever have to deal with any updates - not even game updates.
I could care less about cross game chat, that's something I would never use anyways.
Did not lose my credit card because I wasn't stupid enough to put it on any game service.
So none of your points are valid and your credit card problems are your own fault.
I find this hard to believe. MS has had production issues while Sony has not. Sony has sold more consoles via preorder so far than MS has and both consoles continue to sell. This guy's prediction just makes no logical sense.
@Earthbound_X @Shango4 @Meta-Gnostic @blackace The entire service may not have been hacked, but individual users getting hacked on XBL happens a lot more than it does on PSN and other services.
@blackace @Meta-Gnostic That's funny considering the only problem I've ever had online with PS3 was when it got hacked. Other than that it has been identical to 360, without costing money. And yes XBL has been down many times for short durations.
In any case PS4 will be even better for online since they're charging for it, and this game would've been even better on PS4 than PS3. So for this game, regarding developer policies:
Meta-Gnostic's comments