How is the Xbox more expensive when PS4 has more expensive GPU and RAM and everything else is about the same? Wouldn't it depend on whether or not the PS Eye is included or not since it would have to be Kinect that makes Xbox so expensive? We still haven't heard if PS Eye is included or not so Pachter can't make an educated estimate unless he knows its not.
@Ironmanxrs2 never said anything about consumer fees. If you let someone borrow a disc, yes, the only way they can play it is with you logged in or you deactivate it and they then activate it and you lose it.
However, if you goto sell your disc, you can only sell it at a place that links up to MS's database at the time of sale so it is deactivated from their server. With what's been revealed so far, MS will be charging a fee to those who utilize their database. Thus, MS charges fees to the big retailers who can buy your used game. Retailers will thus give you less for your used game and charge more for it.
Lame. You will only be able to sell your games to big businesses that are able to link up to MS's database when you sell the game. Then MS gets a cut of the money from the sale and you get less for your used game. The game will probably be more expensive to buy used too in order for retailers to make as much money as they did before MS took a cut.
This will basically force Sony to do something regarding used game sales or publishers will be unhappy with them. Given the choice between the two of them I will choose PS4 and hope it's not as bad as X1, so far it's not.
@abHS4L88 @Meta-Gnostic Whatever, I really don't care to argue. Won't go anywhere anyways. Maybe when you're as old as me and have played the same Nintendo games so many times, you'll feel the same way.
@LiquidGold I've had a PS3 since 2008. I'm just pointing out not everyone is like you. You don't have to be stupid or rich to buy a PS3 now because everyone is in different circumstances.
@LiquidGold The uninformed, the casuals, the people who saved up money who finally have enough money to get a PS3, the people who don't want a PS4 right away especially those who cannot afford PS4 at launch. Lots of people. Lots of people that are not like you.
@abHS4L88 @Meta-Gnostic Isn't it obvious? Look at all of Nintendo's other games. How many times have they used the original Animal Cross engine since the first game? What about all the New Super Mario Bros games, they reused the DS engine for that on 2 different consoles. Wake up.
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