Let's tax the hell out of video games that are rated mature and only to be sold to those over 17. That's just going to make the crazies who play violent games spend more time on the same game, losing more touch with reality, and more angry because they can't afford to play other games. It wouldn't make more sense to put a tax across every media that contains violence: music, movies, tv shows, and games.
The gaming industry is doing very very well for this stage in the life cycle of Nintendo, Sony, and MS consoles. Compare this to a similar stage of GC, PS2, Xbox. Now with this known, next generation gaming will be a big success when you include non-traditional game sales from things like phones and tablets.
@GSJones1994 @Meta-Gnostic I guess you could say that since he was one of the main people to make Nintendo stick with cartridges AFAIK, which lost them 3rd party support to Sega and especially Sony. Thus, on N64 Nintendo 1st party got even more accolades and sales due to lack of 3rd party competition and it hasn't changed since.
I take it that you blame lack of 3rd party support for the early and late drought on Nintendo consoles. I never really thought about it that way, but I guess that's a major reason. Still, you would expect Nintendo to be able to have at least 1-2 1st party games during those drought periods.
@Trochero PS3 exclusives sell less because Sony puts the money into the game instead of putting the money into the marketing like MS does. PS3 has a lot more 1st party exclusives. Of course sales will be less for each exclusive if you have more of them.
Even if 360 was hacked, you can't go on Live with hacks, so that claim of yours means nothing. You are not supporting developers better than PS3 users. You are supporting MS making as few IPs as they can in order to milk you by getting you to buy the same IPs over and over and then the DLC for them. You're supporting a company that puts marketing far ahead of game budgets. That is not supporting the hard labor.
If you supported hard labor you would be gaming on PS3 supporting more developers since there are more exclusives.
Meta-Gnostic's comments